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There are 19 seven-letter words containing H, 2I and W

POWHIRIpowhiri n. Alternative form of pōhiri.
POWHIRI n. (Maori) a Maori ceremony of welcome to a marae, also POHIRI.
SWINISHswinish adj. Like a pig, resembling a swine; gluttonous, coarse, debased.
SWINISH adj. resembling or befitting swine.
TAWHIRITAWHIRI n. (Maori) a small New Zealand tree with wavy glossy dark green leaves.
WAIFISHwaifish adj. Waiflike.
WAIFISH adj. like a waif.
WHILINGwhiling v. Present participle of while.
WHILE v. to pass time pleasantly.
WHINIERwhinier adj. Comparative form of whiny: more whiny.
WHINY adj. given to whining, also WHINEY.
WHININGwhining v. Present participle of whine.
whining n. Gerund of whine.
WHINING adj. complaining.
WHIPPITwhippit n. Alternative form of whippet (“nitrous oxide cartridge”).
WHIPPIT n. a small canister of nitrous oxide.
WHITIERwhitier adj. Comparative form of whity: more whity.
WHITY adj. whitish, also WHITEY.
WHITINGwhiting n. A fine white chalk used in paints, putty, whitewash etc.
whiting v. Present participle of white.
whiting n. A fish, Merlangius merlangus (family Gadidae), similar to cod, found in the North Atlantic; English whiting (US).
WHITISHwhitish adj. Somewhat white, pale or almost white.
WHITISH adj. somewhat white.
WILDISHwildish adj. Somewhat wild.
Wildish prop.n. A surname.
WILDISH adj. somewhat wild.
WIMPISHwimpish adj. Characteristic of a wimp.
WIMPISH adj. ineffectual, also WIMPY.
WISHINGwishing v. Present participle of wish.
wishing n. The act of making a wish.
WISHING n. the act of wishing.
WISPISHwispish adj. Wispy.
WISPISH adj. resembling a small bundle, also WISPY, WISPLIKE.
WITHIERwithier adj. Comparative form of withy: more withy.
WITHY adj. flexible and tough.
WITHIESwithies n. Plural of withy.
WITHY n. a flexible twig.
WITHINGwithing v. Present participle of withe.
withing prep. Misspelling of within.
WITHE v. to bind with flexible twigs.
WITHINSWITHIN n. an interior place or area.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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