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There are 12 seven-letter words containing 2H, I and O

CHIKHORchikhor n. Alternative form of chukar.
CHIKHOR n. (Hindi) an Indian partridge, also CHIKOR, CHUKAR, CHUKOR.
HIGHBOYhighboy n. A tall chest of drawers raised up on high legs.
highboy n. (Dated) One who enjoys the high life.
highboy n. (Dated) A political highflier.
HIGHTOPhightop n. Alternative form of high-top.
high-top n. A kind of sports shoe that extends significantly over the wearer’s ankle.
high␣top n. Alternative form of high-top.
HIPSHOThipshot adj. Having a dislocated hip.
hipshot adj. (Dated) Clumsy, awkward.
hipshot adj. (US, colloquial) Standing with one hip lower than the other.
HOBBISHhobbish adj. Rustic; characteristic of a hob or yokel.
Hobbish adj. (Archaic) Hobbesian.
HOBBISH adj. clownish.
HOGFISHhogfish n. Lachnolaimus maximus, an edible species of wrasse, found in the Caribbean.
hogfish n. Several of the species of Bodianus.
hogfish n. The pigfish or sailor’s choice, Orthopristis chrysoptera, or other species in genus Orthospristis.
HOGGISHhoggish adj. Having the characteristics of a pig.
hoggish adj. Having a gluttonous appetite.
HOGGISH adj. coarsely selfish, also HOGLIKE.
HOOCHIEhoochie n. (Derogatory, slang) A female who dresses scantily or in a revealing fashion.
hoochie n. (Derogatory, slang) A promiscuous woman.
hoochie n. (Military slang) Alternative form of hutchie (“type of shelter”).
HORNISHhornish adj. Somewhat like horn; hard.
HORNISH adj. like horn.
HOTTISHhottish adj. Somewhat hot.
HOTTISH adj. somewhat hot.
RHONCHIrhonchi n. Plural of rhonchus.
RHONCHUS n. (Greek) a whistling or snoring sound heard when the air channels are partially obstructed, also RHONCUS.
WHORISHwhorish adj. (Vulgar) Resembling or befitting a whore.
WHORISH adj. like a whore.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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