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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing 2H, I and N

CHINCHYchinchy adj. Alternative spelling of chintzy.
CHINCHY adj. stingy.
HAHNIUMhahnium n. (Chemistry, obsolete) A rejected name for dubnium.
hahnium n. (Chemistry, obsolete) A rejected name for hassium.
HAHNIUM n. an artificially produced transuranic element.
HASHINGhashing n. A social, non-competitive sport in which participants of a hash run use clues to follow a hash trail.
hashing v. Present participle of hash.
HASHING n. the process of converting items of data into numbers (hash totals) which are then used as index numbers.
HENNISHhennish adj. Henlike.
HENNISH adj. like a hen.
HIGHINGhighing v. Present participle of high.
HIGH v. to turn to the left.
HIGHMANhighman n. A man of rank, especially a high rank; a superior.
highman n. (Slang, obsolete) A loaded die that yields high numbers.
HIGHMAN n. a loaded die.
HIGHMENhighmen n. Plural of highman.
HIGHMAN n. a loaded die.
HISHINGhishing v. Present participle of hish.
HISH v. to hiss.
HORNISHhornish adj. Somewhat like horn; hard.
HORNISH adj. like horn.
HUNNISHHunnish adj. Synonym of Hunnic. Relating to the Huns.
Hunnish prop.n. Synonym of Hunnic. The language of the Huns.
HUNNISH adj. like a hun.
HUSHINGhushing v. Present participle of hush.
hushing n. The act of one who hushes, or calls for silence.
hushing n. The use of a heavy discharge of water to uncover a mineral vein or wash ore.
RHONCHIrhonchi n. Plural of rhonchus.
RHONCHUS n. (Greek) a whistling or snoring sound heard when the air channels are partially obstructed, also RHONCUS.
SHANTIHshantih interj. Alternative spelling of shanti.
shantih n. Alternative spelling of shanti.
SHANTIH n. (Sanskrit) peace, also SHANTI.
SHEHNAIshehnai n. (Music) An ancient reeded woodwind instrument from India with a long slim body and bulbous sound bowl…
SHEHNAI n. (Bengali) a double-reed wind instrument of India, also SHENAI.
UNHITCHunhitch v. To disconnect; to detach; to undo that which is hitched.
UNHITCH v. to free from being hitched.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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