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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 7 six-letter words containing H, S, W and Y

SWASHYswashy adj. (Informal) swashbuckling.
swashy adj. (UK, dialect) soft like overripe fruit.
SWASHY adj. slushy.
SWATHYswathy adj. Of or like a swathe, in mowing.
SWATHY adj. in swathes.
SWISHYswishy adj. Producing a swishing sound.
swishy adj. (Britain) Swish; fancy, posh, impressive.
swishy adj. (Informal, of a man) Effeminate; gay.
WHIMSYwhimsy n. A quaint and fanciful idea; a whim; playfully odd behaviour.
whimsy n. An impulsive, illogical or capricious character.
whimsy n. (Mining) A whim (capstan or vertical drum).
WHISKYwhisky n. (Chiefly UK and Canada) An alcoholic liquor distilled from fermented grain and usually aged in oak barrels.
whisky n. (Chiefly UK and Canada) A drink of this liquor.
whisky n. (Historical) A light gig or carriage.
WHYDASwhydas n. Plural of whyda.
WHYDA n. a group of African birds related to the finch, also WHIDAH, WHYDAH.
WYCHESwyches n. Plural of wych.
Wyches prop.n. Plural of Wyche.
WYCH n. a tree with pliant branches, as in wych elm, also WICH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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