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There are 17 six-letter words containing H, 2R and S

ARRISHarrish n. Alternative form of earsh.
ARRISH n. (dialect) a stubble field, also ARISH.
CHARRScharrs n. Plural of charr.
CHARR n. a small fish of the salmon family.
CHIRRSchirrs n. Plural of chirr.
chirrs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chirr.
CHIRR v. to chirp like a cricket, also CHIRRE.
CHURRSchurrs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of churr.
CHURR v. to make a vibrant sound.
HIRERShirers n. Plural of hirer.
HIRER n. one who hires.
HURRAShurras n. Plural of hurra.
hurras v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hurra.
HURRA v. to shout hurra, also HOORAH, HOORAY, HURRAH, HURRAY.
MHORRSmhorrs n. Plural of mhorr.
MHORR n. (Arabic) a West African gazelle, also MOHR.
MYRRHSmyrrhs n. Plural of myrrh.
MYRRH n. an aromatic gum resin.
RASHERrasher adj. Comparative form of rash: more rash.
rasher n. (UK, Ireland) A strip of bacon; a piece of bacon.
rasher n. (UK, Ireland) A strip, a piece (of something, such as ham, bacon, etc).
RUSHERrusher n. A person who rushes.
rusher n. (American football) The fast defensive position whose objective is to sack the offensive team’s quarterback.
rusher n. (Obsolete) One who strews rushes.
SHARERsharer n. One who shares.
sharer n. (Informal) A dish at a restaurant, etc. intended to be shared between several people.
Sharer prop.n. A surname.
SHERRYsherry n. (Uncountable) A fortified wine produced in Jerez de la Frontera in Spain, or a similar wine produced elsewhere.
sherry n. A variety of sherry.
sherry n. A glass of sherry.
SHIRRASHIRRA n. (Scots) a law-enforcement officer of a county, also SHERIFF.
SHIRRSshirrs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shirr.
SHIRR v. to pucker, also SHIR.
SHORERshorer n. One who, or that which, shores or props up.
SHORER n. one who props up things.
SIRRAHsirrah n. (Obsolete) A term of address to an inferior male or more commonly a child. A modern-day equivalent would…
Sirrah prop.n. (Astronomy) Synonym of Alpheratz.
SIRRAH n. (archaic) a mode of address, sir, also SIREE, SIRRA, SIRREE.
WHIRRSwhirrs n. Plural of whirr.
whirrs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of whirr.
WHIRR v. to spin with a humming noise, also WHIR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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