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There are 15 six-letter words containing H, O, P and U

EUPHONEUPHON n. (Greek) a type of glass harmonica.
HOLDUPholdup n. Alternative spelling of hold-up.
hold-up n. (Colloquial) A delay or wait.
hold-up n. A robbery at gunpoint.
HOOKUPhookup n. (Sometimes attributive) A connection.
hookup n. (Slang) A brief sexual relationship or encounter.
hookup n. (Slang) A sexual partner.
HOPPUShoppus n. A unit of measure of volume equal to 1.273 cubic feet or 2,200 cubic inches. Used in the British Empire…
Hoppus prop.n. A surname.
HOPPUS adj. as in hoppus foot, a unit of volume for round timber.
HUPIROHUPIRO n. (Maori) a New Zealand name for stinkwood.
HUPPOThuppot n. Plural of huppah.
HUPPAH n. (Hebrew) a wedding canopy, also CHUPPA, CHUPPAH.
OUPHESouphes n. Plural of ouphe.
OUPHE n. (Shakespeare) an oaf, a changeling, also OUPH.
PLOUGHplough n. A device pulled through the ground in order to break it open into furrows for planting.
plough n. The use of a plough; tillage.
plough n. Alternative form of Plough (Synonym of Ursa Major).
POUCHYpouchy adj. Resembling a pouch; baggy.
POUCHY adj. resembling a pouch.
TOPHUStophus n. (Medicine) A deposit of monosodium urate crystals in the body, caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood.
TOPHUS n. (Latin) a deposit of urates in the tissue around a joint.
UNHOOPunhoop v. To remove the hoops from.
UNHOOP v. to remove hoops from.
UPHOLDuphold v. To hold up; to lift on high; to elevate.
uphold v. To keep erect; to support; to sustain; to keep from falling.
uphold v. To support by approval or encouragement, to confirm (something which has been questioned).
UPHOVEuphove v. Simple past tense of upheave.
UPHEAVE v. to heave up.
UPHROEuphroe n. Alternative form of euphroe.
UPHROE n. (Dutch) a block or long slat of wood, perforated for the passage of the crowfoot, or cords by which an awning is held up, also EUPHROE.
UPSHOTupshot n. The final result, or outcome of something.
upshot n. (US) A concise summary.
upshot n. (US) A positive aspect or consequence, often either unexpected or in contrast to other negative aspects.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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