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There are 20 six-letter words containing H, N, T and U

CHAUNTchaunt n. Obsolete spelling of chant.
chaunt v. Obsolete spelling of chant.
CHAUNT v. to sing, also CHANT.
HAUNTShaunts n. Plural of haunt.
haunts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of haunt.
HAUNT v. to visit frequently.
HOGNUThognut n. (US) The pignut or hickory (Carya glabra of family Juglandaceae).
hognut n. (UK) Conopodium majus, a tuberous plant of the Apiaceae.
hognut n. Bunium bulbocastanum (black cumin) of the Apiaceae.
HUMINThumint n. Alternative spelling of HUMINT.
HUMINT n. Information gained from intelligence agents, or spies, and interrogation.
HUMINT n. human intelligence.
HUNTEDhunted adj. Being the subject of a hunt.
hunted adj. (Figuratively) Nervous and agitated, as if pursued.
hunted v. Simple past tense and past participle of hunt.
HUNTERhunter n. One who hunts game for sport or for food; a huntsman or huntswoman.
hunter n. A dog used in hunting.
hunter n. A horse used in hunting, especially a thoroughbred, bred and trained for hunting.
NAUGHTnaught pron. Nothing.
naught n. (Archaic) Nothingness.
naught n. (Chiefly US, old-fashioned) Alternative spelling of nought.
NAUTCHnautch n. A dance in South Asia, performed by professional dancing girls.
NAUTCH n. (Hindi) an entertainment in India consisting chiefly of dancing by professional dancing girls, also NACH, NAUCH.
NOUGHTnought n. Nothing; something which does not exist.
nought n. A thing or person of no worth or value; nil.
nought n. (UK) Not any quantity of number; zero; the score of no points in a game.
NUTHINnuthin pron. Pronunciation spelling of nothing.
nuthin' pron. Pronunciation spelling of nothing.
NUTHIN n. (colloquial) nothing, also NAETHING, NOTHING.
SHUNTSshunts n. Plural of shunt.
shunts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shunt.
SHUNT v. to turn aside.
SUNHATsunhat n. A light, wide-brimmed hat to protect from the sun.
sun␣hat n. Alternative form of sunhat.
SUNHAT n. a hat worn for protection against the sun.
THUNKSthunks n. Plural of thunk.
THUNK v. to make a sudden, muffled sound.
TUCHUNtuchun n. (Historical) A Chinese military governor or warlord.
TUCHUN n. (Chinese) a Chinese military governor.
UNEATHuneath adj. (Obsolete) Not easy; hard.
uneath adv. (Archaic) Not easily; hardly, scarcely.
uneath adv. (Obsolete) Reluctantly, unwillingly.
UNHATSunhats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unhat.
UNHAT v. to remove a hat.
UNHURTunhurt adj. Not hurt; unharmed or unscathed.
UNHURT adj. not hurt.
UNSHOTunshot adj. Not having been shot.
unshot adj. Not discharged or fired off.
unshot v. (Transitive) To remove the shot from (a gun); to unload.
UNSHUTunshut v. (Now rare) To open (A door, window etc.).
UNSHUT v. to open, or throw open.
UNTHAWunthaw v. (Transitive, intransitive) To thaw out, to unfreeze; to become soft (of something which had been frozen).
UNTHAW v. to cause to melt.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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