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There are 18 six-letter words containing H, M, O and T

COMETHcometh v. (Archaic) third-person singular simple present form of come.
COME v. to move toward someone or something.
FATHOMfathom n. (Chiefly nautical, historical) Originally, the distance between an adult man’s arms stretched out away…
fathom n. (Figuratively).
fathom n. (Obsolete).
MAHOUTmahout n. An elephant driver and keeper.
mahout v. To drive elephants.
MAHOUT n. (Hindi) the keeper and driver of an elephant.
MATZOHmatzoh n. Alternative form of matzo.
MATZOH n. (Yiddish) unleavened bread, esp. as eaten on Pesach, also MATSAH, MATZA, MATZAH, MATZO.
METHODmethod n. A process by which a task is completed; a way of doing something (followed by the adposition of, to…
method n. (Acting, often "the method") A technique for acting based on the ideas articulated by Konstantin Stanislavski…
method n. (Object-oriented programming) A subroutine or function belonging to a class or object.
METHOSMETHO n. (Australian slang) methylated spirits.
MONETHmoneth n. Obsolete spelling of month.
MONETH n. (Spenser) a month.
MONTHSmonths n. Plural of month.
months n. (Obsolete) A woman’s period; menstrual discharge.
MONTH n. one of the twelve conventional divisions of the year, or its length, also MONETH.
MOTHEDmothed v. Simple past tense and past participle of moth.
MOTHED adj. moth-eaten.
MOTHERmother n. A (human) female who has given birth to a baby; this person in relation to their child or children.
mother n. A human female who parents an adopted or fostered child.
mother n. A human female who donates a fertilized egg or donates a body cell which has resulted in a clone.
MOUGHTmought v. (Obsolete outside dialects) Alternative form of might.
mought v. (Auxiliary, obsolete) past participle of may.
MAY v. to gather flowers in the spring.
MOUTHSmouths n. Plural of mouth.
mouths v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mouth.
MOUTH v. to feed into an opening in the head.
MOUTHYmouthy adj. (Slang, derogatory) Overly talkative, insolent, and loud.
mouthy adj. Of a dog: inclined to bite or nip.
MOUTHY adj. outspoken, obstreperous.
MYTHOImythoi n. Plural of mythos.
MYTHOS n. (Greek) a type of traditional story, also MYTH, MYTHUS.
MYTHOSmythos n. Anything transmitted by word of mouth, such as a fable, legend, narrative, story, or tale (especially a poetic tale).
mythos n. A story or set of stories relevant to or having a significant truth or meaning for a particular culture…
mythos n. (By extension) A set of assumptions or beliefs about something.
SHTOOMshtoom adj. Alternative form of shtum.
SHTOOM adj. (Yiddish) silent, dumb, quiet, also SCHTOOM, SCHTUM, SHTUM, SHTUMM, STUMM.
SMOOTHsmooth adj. Having a texture that lacks friction. Not rough.
smooth adj. Without difficulty, problems, or unexpected consequences or incidents.
smooth adj. Bland; glib.
THYMOLthymol n. (Chemistry) a monoterpene phenol, C10H13OH, found in the oil extracted from thyme; used as in perfume…
THYMOL n. an antiseptic phenol obtained from oil of thyme.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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