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There are 14 six-letter words containing H, M, N and U

HUMANEhumane adj. Having or showing concern for the pain or suffering of another; compassionate.
humane adj. Pertaining to branches of learning concerned with human affairs or the humanities, especially classical…
humane adj. Obsolete spelling of human.
HUMANShumans n. Plural of human.
Humans prop.n. Plural of Human.
HUMAN n. a person.
HUMINThumint n. Alternative spelling of HUMINT.
HUMINT n. Information gained from intelligence agents, or spies, and interrogation.
HUMINT n. human intelligence.
HUMPENHUMPEN n. (German) a type of enamelled or painted glass drinking vessel made in Germany.
HYPNUMhypnum n. Any member of the genus Hypnum of mosses.
Hypnum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Hypnaceae – certain mosses.
HYPNUM n. (Greek) a type of moss.
INHUMEinhume v. (Transitive) To bury in a grave.
INHUME v. to bury, also INHUMATE.
KHANUMkhanum n. (Historical) An aristocratic lady in the Middle East or South Asia.
KHANUM n. (Turkish) a lady's title of rank in the Middle East.
MUDHENmudhen n. The American coot (Fulica americana).
MUDHEN n. a water bird living in muddy places.
MUNCHYmunchy n. (Informal) A snack.
MUNCHY adj. suitable for snacking.
MUNSHImunshi n. (South Asia) A clerk or secretary.
munshi n. (South Asia) A language teacher, especially one teaching Hindustani or Persian.
Munshi prop.n. A surname.
NUMDAHnumdah n. An Indian rug or mat made with chain stitch.
NUMDAH n. (Urdu) an embroidered felt rug made in India.
NUMNAHnumnah n. A pad, often of sheepskin, placed under a horse’s saddle; a saddle blanket.
NUMNAH n. (Urdu) a pad under the saddle to prevent chafing.
UNHELMunhelm v. (Transitive) To remove the helm from.
UNHELM v. to remove the helmet of.
UNMESHunmesh v. (Transitive, intransitive) To (cause to) cease to be meshed together.
UNMESH v. to disentangle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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