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There are 17 six-letter words containing H, L, O and R

CHOLERcholer n. Anger or irritability.
choler n. One of the four humours of ancient physiology, also known as yellow bile.
CHOLER n. anger, irascibility.
CHORALchoral adj. Of, relating to, written for, or performed by a choir or a chorus.
choral n. Alternative form of chorale.
CHORAL adj. relating to a choir.
HARLOTharlot n. (Derogatory, offensive, dated) A female prostitute.
harlot n. (Derogatory, offensive) A female who is considered promiscuous.
harlot n. (Obsolete) A churl; a common man; a person, male or female, of low birth, especially one given to low conduct.
HOLARDholard n. (Dated) The total water content of a sample of soil.
HOLARD n. the total amount of water in the soil.
HOLDERholder n. A thing that holds.
holder n. A person who temporarily or permanently possesses something.
holder n. (Nautical) One who is employed in the hold of a vessel.
HOLIERholier adj. Comparative form of holy: more holy; more sacred.
holier adj. Comparative form of holey: more holey; more full of holes.
HOLY adj. perfect in a moral sense.
HOLLERholler n. A yell, shout.
holler n. By extension, any communication to get somebody’s attention.
holler n. (Music) A field holler.
HOURLYhourly adj. Occurring every hour.
hourly adj. Unsalaried, paid by the hour; (by extension) blue-collar.
hourly adv. At intervals of an hour.
HOWLERhowler n. That which howls, especially an animal such as a wolf or a howler monkey.
howler n. (Historical) A person hired to howl at a funeral.
howler n. (Slang) A painfully obvious mistake.
LIROTHliroth n. Plural of lira.
LIRA n. (Italian) an Italian unit of currency.
LORCHAlorcha n. (Nautical) A kind of light vessel used on the coast of China, having the hull built on a European model…
LORCHA n. (Portuguese) a light vessel of European build, like a Chinese junk.
LOTHERlother adj. Comparative form of loth: more loth.
LOTH adj. unwilling, also LAITH, LOATH.
ORCHELorchel n. Alternative form of archil.
ORCHEL n. a dye obtained from certain lichens, also ARCHIL, ORCHELLA, ORCHIL, ORCHILLA, ORSEILLE.
ORCHILorchil n. Any of several lichens, especially those of the genera Roccella and Lecanora.
orchil n. The dye, orcein, extracted from them.
ORCHIL n. a dye obtained from certain lichens, also ARCHIL, ORCHEL, ORCHELLA, ORCHILLA, ORSEILLE.
SCHORLschorl n. (Mineralogy) The most common variety of tourmaline.
SCHORL n. (German) a mineral, black tourmaline, also SHORL.
SHORLSshorls n. Plural of shorl.
SHORL n. (German) black tourmaline, also SCHORL.
WHORLSwhorls n. Plural of whorl.
WHORL v. to move in a twisted or convoluted fashion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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