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There are 20 six-letter words containing H, L, M and U

FULHAMfulham n. (Archaic, UK, slang) Alternative form of fullam (“loaded die”).
fulham n. (Archaic, UK, colloquial, by extension) Alternative form of fullam (“sham”).
Fulham prop.n. An area in southwestern London, England, on the north side of the River Thames.
HAMAULhamaul n. Alternative form of hamal (“porter”).
HAMAUL n. (Arabic) a porter in eastern countries, also HAMAL, HAMMAL.
HAMULIhamuli n. Plural of hamulus.
HAMULUS n. (Latin) a small hook.
HAULMShaulms n. Plural of haulm.
HAULM n. a plant stem, also HALM.
HAULMYhaulmy adj. Characterised by having haulms.
HAULMY adj. of or like haulms, stems.
HELIUMhelium n. (Uncountable) The second lightest chemical element (symbol He) with an atomic number of 2 and atomic…
helium n. (Countable) A form or sample of the element.
HELIUM n. a gaseous element.
HUMBLEhumble adj. Not pretentious or magnificent; unpretending; unassuming.
humble adj. Having a low opinion of oneself; not proud, arrogant, or assuming; modest.
humble v. (Transitive, intransitive) To defeat or reduce the power, independence, or pride of.
HUMBLYhumbly adv. In a humble manner.
HUMBLE adv. modest.
HUMLIEHUMLIE n. (Scots) a pollarded or hornless cow.
HUMMELhummel n. (Northern England, Scotland, also attributive) A stag that has failed to grow antlers; a cow that has…
hummel n. (Also attributive) Especially in hummel corn: grain that lacks awns (beards or bristles), or has had…
hummel v. (Transitive) Of an animal: to remove the horns; to poll.
HUMMLEHUMMLE adj. as in hummle bonnet, a type of Scottish cap.
MOGHULMoghul n. A head of the Timurid dynasty founded by Zahīr-ud-Dīn Muhammed Bābur (1483-1530) which controlled large…
Moghul n. (Now historical) A Mongol or Mongolian, especially a member or follower of the Moghul dynasty.
Moghul n. An important or successful person; a magnate. (Now usually as mogul.)
MUCHELMUCHEL n. (archaic) a great deal, also MOCHELL, MUCHELL.
MUCHLYmuchly adv. (Colloquial) very much, very.
MUCH adv. plentiful.
MUGHALMughal n. Alternative spelling of Moghul.
Mughal adj. Alternative spelling of Moghul.
MUGHAL n. (Persian) an important person, also MOGUL, MOGHUL.
MULISHmulish adj. Characteristic of a mule; stubborn, obstinate, or intractable.
MULISH adj. like a mule; stubborn.
MULLAHmullah n. (Islam) A religious scholar and teacher of sharia law.
mullah n. (India, religious slur, slang) A conservative Muslim leader or cleric, especially one who is hostile…
mullah n. (India, religious slur, slang, by extension) A Muslim.
PHYLUMphylum n. (Taxonomy) A rank in the classification of organisms, below kingdom and above class; also called a divisio…
phylum n. (Linguistics) A large division of possibly related languages, or a major language family which is not…
PHYLUM n. (Latin) a main taxonomical division, also PHYLON.
SHLUMPshlump n. Alternative form of schlump.
shlump v. Alternative form of schlump.
SHLUMP v. (Yiddish) to dress sloppily, also SCHLUMP.
UNHELMunhelm v. (Transitive) To remove the helm from.
UNHELM v. to remove the helmet of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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