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There are 18 six-letter words containing H, L, M and O

HOLISMholism n. A theory or belief that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
holism n. A practice based on such a theory or belief.
-holism suff. A form of addiction, either physical dependency or obsessive dependency.
HOLMESholmes n. (Slang) An informal term of address, like man or dude.
holmes n. Plural of holme.
Holmes prop.n. A northern English surname from Middle English, variant of Holme.
HOLMIAholmia n. (Inorganic chemistry) The rare earth holmium oxide.
HOLMIA n. an oxide of holmium.
HOLMICholmic adj. (Chemistry, rare) Relating to holmium.
HOLMIC adj. relating to holmium, a metallic element.
HOMELYhomely adj. Characteristic of, belonging to, or befitting a home; domestic, cozy.
homely adj. (North America) Lacking in beauty or elegance, plain in appearance, physically unattractive.
homely adj. (UK dialectal) On intimate or friendly terms with (someone); familiar; at home (with a person); intimate.
HOMILYhomily n. (Christianity) A sermon, especially concerning a practical matter.
homily n. A moralizing lecture.
homily n. A platitude.
MOGHULMoghul n. A head of the Timurid dynasty founded by Zahīr-ud-Dīn Muhammed Bābur (1483-1530) which controlled large…
Moghul n. (Now historical) A Mongol or Mongolian, especially a member or follower of the Moghul dynasty.
Moghul n. An important or successful person; a magnate. (Now usually as mogul.)
MOHELSmohels n. Plural of mohel.
MOHEL n. (Hebrew) a person who performs Jewish circumcisions.
MOLLAHmollah n. Archaic form of mullah.
MOLLAH n. (Arabic) a Muslim learned in theology and law, also MOLLA, MOOLAH, MULLA, MULLAH, MULLER.
MOLOCHmoloch n. Moloch horridus, an Australian lizard thought to be the sole member of the genus Moloch.
Moloch prop.n. An ancient Ammonite deity worshiped by the Canaanites, Phoenician and related cultures in North Africa…
Moloch prop.n. (Figuratively) A person or thing demanding or requiring a very costly sacrifice.
MOOLAHmoolah n. Archaic form of mullah.
moolah n. Alternative spelling of moola.
MOOLAH n. (Arabic) a Muslim learned in theology and law, also MOLLA, MOLLAH, MULLA, MULLAH, MULLER.
OLLAMHollamh n. (Historical) In Irish history, a man of science or learning, equivalent to a university professor.
OLLAMH n. (Irish) an Irish master poet, also OLLAV.
OMLAHSomlahs n. Plural of omlah.
OMLAH n. (Arabic) an Indian staff of officials.
PHLOEMphloem n. (Botany) A vascular tissue in land plants primarily responsible for the distribution of sugars and nutrients…
phlœm n. Obsolete form of phloem.
phloëm n. (Obsolete) Alternative spelling of phloem.
SHALOMshalom interj. A traditional Jewish greeting or farewell.
shalom n. (Countable) The traditional Jewish greeting of "shalom".
shalom n. (Judaism, uncountable) Peace. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
SHOLOMsholom interj. Alternative form of shalom.
sholom n. Alternative form of shalom.
SHOLOM n. (Hebrew) in Jewish society, a salutation at meeting or parting, also SHALOM.
THYMOLthymol n. (Chemistry) a monoterpene phenol, C10H13OH, found in the oil extracted from thyme; used as in perfume…
THYMOL n. an antiseptic phenol obtained from oil of thyme.
WHILOMwhilom adv. (Archaic except literary) At some time in the past; formerly, once upon a time.
whilom adv. (Obsolete).
whilom adj. (Archaic except literary) At some time in the past; former, sometime.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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