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There are 16 six-letter words containing H, I, R and Y

CHIRPYchirpy adj. In a good mood; happy and energetic.
chirpy adj. Making chirping noises.
chirpy n. An electronic device which uses a piezoelectric transducer to make chirping noise, often designed to…
DRYISHdryish adj. Quite dry, relatively dry.
DRYISH adj. somewhat dry.
HAYIERHAYEY adj. like hay.
HYBRIDhybrid n. (Biology) Offspring resulting from cross-breeding different entities, e.g. two different species or…
hybrid n. Something of mixed origin or composition; often, a tool or technology that combines the benefits of…
hybrid adj. Consisting of diverse components.
HYBRIShybris n. Alternative form of hubris.
HYBRIS n. (Greek) overbearing pride, also HUBRIS.
HYDRIAhydria n. A three-handled clay or metal vessel used in Greek culture to hold and pour water.
HYDRIA n. (Greek) a large Greek water-vase.
HYDRIChydric adj. Characterized by, or requiring, moisture.
hydric adj. (Forestry) Sufficiently wet to inhibit the survival of many species.
hydric adj. (Chemistry) Relating to hydrogen.
HYDRIDhydrid n. Archaic form of hydride.
Hydrid n. (Astronomy) Any of the meteors in a meteor shower that appears to come from the constellation Hydra.
HYDRID n. any compound of hydrogen with another element, also HYDRIDE.
RICHLYrichly adv. In a luxurious manner; full of majesty or expression…
richly adv. (Of a marriage) Done advantageously, done as to be wealthy.
richly adv. Thoroughly, totally; in an ample manner.
RIGHTYrighty n. (US, informal) A right-handed person.
righty n. (UK, informal) A right-wing person.
righty interj. (Informal) Right; used to indicate agreement or change of topic.
SHIRTYshirty adj. (Chiefly Australia, UK, informal) Ill-tempered or annoyed.
SHIRTY adj. irritable, annoyed.
THIRTYthirty num. The cardinal number occurring after twenty-nine and before thirty-one, represented in Arabic numerals as 30.
thirty n. (Slang) A rack of thirty beers.
THIRTY n. a number.
THYRSIthyrsi n. Plural of thyrsus.
THYRSUS n. (Greek) a type of flower cluster, also THYRSE.
WHIRLYwhirly adj. (Informal) Visually suggestive of a swirl, whorl, or vortex.
whirly adj. (Informal) That moves in a whirling motion.
whirly n. A snowy whirlwind in the Antarctic.
WHIRRYwhirry adj. (Rare) Making a whirr sound or motion.
whirry n. (Obsolete) A sudden or quick movement; a whirr.
whirry v. (Obsolete, transitive) To convey swiftly.
YIRTHSYIRTH n. (US) earth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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