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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 20 six-letter words containing H, I, L and Y

ALIYAHaliyah n. (Judaism, countable) The calling up of someone to the bimah for the reading of the Torah.
aliyah n. (Uncountable) The immigration of Jews to Israel.
aliyah n. (Countable) One of the major waves of immigration of Jews to Israel.
CHICLYchicly adv. In a chic or fashionable way.
CHIC adv. smartly elegant.
CHILLYchilly adj. Cold enough to cause discomfort.
chilly adj. Feeling uncomfortably cold.
chilly adj. (Figuratively) Distant and cool; unfriendly.
FILTHYfilthy adj. Covered with filth; very dirty.
filthy adj. Obscene or offensive.
filthy adj. Very unpleasant or disagreeable.
HAZILYhazily adv. In a hazy manner.
HAZY adv. like a haze, unclear.
HIGHLYhighly adv. In a high or esteemed manner.
highly adv. Extremely; greatly; very much.
HIGH adv. reaching far upward.
HOKILYhokily adv. In a hokey way.
HOKEY adv. overdone, contrived, bogus.
HOLILYholily adv. In a holy way; with sanctity.
HOLY adv. perfect in a moral sense.
HOMILYhomily n. (Christianity) A sermon, especially concerning a practical matter.
homily n. A moralizing lecture.
homily n. A platitude.
HYALINhyalin n. Alternative spelling of hyaline.
HYALIN n. a clear translucent substance, such as that in hydatid cysts.
HYLISMhylism n. (Philosophy) Materialism: the theory that there is nothing beyond matter.
HYLISM n. materialism, also HYLICISM.
HYLISThylist n. A proponent of the philosophy of hylism.
HYLIST n. a materialist, also HYLICIST, HYLOIST.
LINHAYlinhay n. (Dialectal, south-west Britain) A shed or other outbuilding.
LINHAY n. a shed, also LINNEY, LINNY.
NIGHLYnighly adv. (Archaic) nearly.
NIGH adv. near.
PHYLICPHYLIC adj. related to a phylum, a main division of the animal and vegetable kingdom, also PHYLAR.
RICHLYrichly adv. In a luxurious manner; full of majesty or expression…
richly adv. (Of a marriage) Done advantageously, done as to be wealthy.
richly adv. Thoroughly, totally; in an ample manner.
SLYISHslyish adj. Somewhat sly.
SLYISH adj. somewhat sly.
THINLYthinly adv. In a thin, loose, or scattered manner; scantily; not thickly.
THIN adv. not fat.
WHILLYwhilly v. (Scotland, archaic, transitive) To cajole.
WHILLY v. (Scots) to wheedle, cajole.
WHIRLYwhirly adj. (Informal) Visually suggestive of a swirl, whorl, or vortex.
whirly adj. (Informal) That moves in a whirling motion.
whirly n. A snowy whirlwind in the Antarctic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 59 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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