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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing H, 2I and L

CHILISchilis n. Plural of chili.
CHILI n. (Nahuatl) the (dried) red pod of a Capsicum pepper used in sauces, relishes, etc., also CHILE, CHILLI.
CHILLIchilli n. Alternative spelling of chili.
CHILLI n. (Nahuatl) the (dried) red pod of a Capsicum pepper used in sauces, relishes, etc., also CHILE, CHILI.
GHIBLIghibli n. (Libya) sirocco.
GHIBLI n. (Arabic) the name in Libya of the scirocco, a hot, dry, dusty wind, also GIBLI.
HUIPILhuipil n. A traditional blouse worn by the women of various indigenous peoples of Central America including the…
HUIPIL n. (Spanish) a Mexican embroidered blouse or dress.
KHILIMkhilim n. Alternative spelling of kilim.
KHILIM n. (Turkish) an Eastern woven rug, also KILIM, KELIM.
LICHISlichis n. Plural of lichi.
LICHI n. (Chinese) a tropical fruit, also LEECHEE, LICHEE, LITCHI, LYCHEE.
LINISHlinish v. (Transitive, engineering) To improve the flatness of a surface by means of grinding or belt-sanding techniques.
LINISH v. to give a smooth linen-like finish to metal.
LITCHIlitchi n. Synonym of lychee.
Litchi prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Sapindaceae – lychee.
LITCHI n. (Chinese) the edible fruit of a Chinese tree, also LEECHEE, LICHEE, LICHI, LYCHEE.
LITHIAlithia n. Lithium oxide, Li2O, used in the manufacture of ceramics and glass.
LITHIA n. lithium oxide, a strong alkaline caustic.
LITHIClithic adj. Relating to stone.
lithic adj. (Geology) Relating to rock.
lithic adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Relating to lithium.
NIHILSnihils n. Plural of nihil.
NIHIL n. (Latin) nothing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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