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There are 4 six-letter words containing 2H, R and U

CHURCHchurch n. (Countable) A Christian house of worship; a building where Christian religious services take place.
church n. Christians collectively seen as a single spiritual community; Christianity; Christendom.
church n. (Countable) A local group of people who follow the same Christian religious beliefs, local or general.
HURRAHhurrah interj. Expressing approval, appreciation, or happiness.
hurrah n. A cheer; a cry of hurrah!.
hurrah v. (Transitive, intransitive) To give a hurrah (to somebody).
HUSHERhusher n. Someone who hushes, insisting on silence.
husher n. Obsolete form of usher.
husher v. Obsolete form of usher.
THRUSHthrush n. Any of numerous species of songbirds of the cosmopolitan family Turdidae, such as the song thrush, mistle…
thrush n. (US, colloquial) A female singer.
thrush n. A fungal infection caused by Candida, now especially of the vagina; candidiasis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org.

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