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There are 13 five-letter words containing H, M, S and U

CHUMSchums n. Plural of chum.
chums v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chum.
Chums prop.n. Plural of Chum.
HUMASHUMA n. (Urdu) a mythical bird similar to the phoenix, supposed to bring luck to any person over whom it hovers on its restless flights.
HUMFShumfs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of humf.
HUMF v. (Scots) to carry something awkward, also HUMPH.
HUMPShumps n. Plural of hump.
humps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hump.
HUMP v. to bend into a rounded projection.
HUMUShumus n. A large group of natural organic compounds, found in the soil, formed from the chemical and biological…
humus n. Alternative spelling of hummus (“chickpea dip”).
HUMUS n. decomposed organic matter in the soil.
MULSHmulsh n. Dated form of mulch.
mulsh v. Dated form of mulch.
MULSH n. loose material, strawy dung, etc., laid on the soil around plants, to protect roots.
MUSHAmusha interj. (Ireland, archaic) an expression of surprise.
MUSHA interj. (Irish) an interjection expressing surprise.
MUSHYmushy adj. Resembling or having the consistency of mush; semiliquid, pasty, or granular.
mushy adj. Soft; squishy.
mushy adj. Overly sappy, corny, or cheesy; maudlin.
MUSTHmusth n. A time during which male elephants exhibit increased levels of sexual activity and aggressiveness and…
musth n. An elephant in this sexual and aggressive state.
MUSTH n. (Hindi) a state of frenzy occurring in male elephants.
SHTUMshtum adj. Silent; speechless; dumb.
SHTUM adj. (Yiddish) silent, dumb, quiet, also SCHTOOM, SCHTUM, SHTOOM, SHTUMM, STUMM.
SMUSHsmush n. A beaten or pulverized mass.
smush n. An act of crushing or squeezing.
smush v. (Transitive) to mash; or push; especially to push down or in; compress.
SUMPHsumph n. (Scotland, Northern England) A dunce; a blockhead.
sumph n. Obsolete form of sump (“lowest part of a mineshaft, into which water drains”).
SUMPH n. (Scots) a dunce, a blockhead.
UMPHSUMPH n. oomph, energy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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