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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 5 five-letter words containing H, L, M and U

HAULMhaulm n. (Uncountable) The stems of various cultivated plants, left after harvesting the crop, which are used…
haulm n. (Countable) An individual plant stem.
haulm n. (Countable) Part of a harness; a hame.
HILUMhilum n. (Botany) The eye of a bean or other seed; the mark or scar at the point of attachment of an ovule or…
hilum n. (Botany) The nucleus of a starch grain.
hilum n. (Anatomy) A depression or fissure through which ducts, nerves, or blood vessels enter and leave a gland…
MUHLYmuhly n. Any of the many species of grasses of genus Muhlenbergia.
MUHLY n. a perennial grass.
MULCHmulch n. (Agriculture, horticulture) Any material used to cover the top layer of soil to protect, insulate, or…
mulch v. (Agriculture) To apply mulch.
mulch v. (Agriculture) To turn into mulch.
MULSHmulsh n. Dated form of mulch.
mulsh v. Dated form of mulch.
MULSH n. loose material, strawy dung, etc., laid on the soil around plants, to protect roots.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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