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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 6 five-letter words containing H, I, O and R

CHIROchiro n. (Informal, countable) A chiropractor.
chiro n. (Informal, uncountable) Chiropractic.
chiro- pref. Hand.
CHOIRchoir n. A group of people who sing together; a company of people who are trained to sing together.
choir n. (Architecture) The part of a church where the choir assembles for song.
choir n. (Christian angelology) One of the nine ranks or orders of angels.
HOURIhouri n. (Islam) A nymph in the form of a beautiful virgin supposed to dwell in Paradise for the enjoyment of the faithful.
houri n. (By extension) Any voluptuous, beautiful woman.
HOURI n. (Persian) any of the virgins of the Muslim paradise, promised as wives to believers.
ICHORichor n. (Greek mythology) The liquid said to flow in place of blood in the veins of the gods.
ichor n. (By extension).
ICHOR n. (Greek) a watery discharge from a wound.
RHINOrhino n. (Slang, now rare) Money.
rhino n. (Colloquial) A rhinoceros.
rhino- pref. Of the nose.
ROSHIroshi n. An elderly and revered Buddhist monk.
ROSHI n. (Japanese) a teacher of Zen Buddhism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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