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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing H and 3P

HIPPOCREPIANhippocrepian n. One of an order of freshwater bryozoa (Phylactolaema or Lophopoda) in which the tentacles are on a lophophore…
hippocrepian n. Hippocrepiform.
HIPPOCREPIAN n. a type of bryozoan that has a lophophore shaped like a horseshoe.
HIPPOPHAGIESHIPPOPHAGY n. feeding on horses.
HIPPOPHAGISThippophagist n. (Rare) A person that eats horse meat.
HIPPOPHAGIST n. one who eats horseflesh.
HIPPOPHAGOUShippophagous adj. Feeding on horseflesh.
HIPPOPHAGOUS adj. eating horseflesh.
HIPPOPOTAMIChippopotamic adj. Of or relating to a hippopotamus.
HIPPOPOTAMIC adj. like a hippopotamus, clumsy, also HIPPOPOTAMIAN.
HIPPOPOTAMUShippopotamus n. A large, semi-aquatic, herbivorous (plant-eating) African mammal (Hippopotamus amphibius; common hippopotamus).
hippopotamus n. Any similar animal of the family Hippopotamidae.
Hippopotamus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Hippopotamidae – hippopotamuses.
PARAPOPHYSESparapophyses n. Plural of parapophysis.
PARAPOPHYSIS n. a ventral transverse process of a vertebra.
PARAPOPHYSISparapophysis n. (Anatomy) The ventral transverse, or capitular, process of a vertebra.
PARAPOPHYSIS n. a ventral transverse process of a vertebra.
PHOSPHOLIPIDphospholipid n. (Organic chemistry) Any lipid, such as lecithin or cephalin, consisting of a diglyceride combined with…
PHOSPHOLIPID n. a lipid which contains a phosphate group and also a nitrogenous group.
PHOTOMAPPINGphotomapping v. Present participle of photomap.
PHOTOMAP v. to map by means of aerial photography.
PHOTOSHOPPEDphotoshopped v. Simple past tense and past participle of photoshop.
photoshopped adj. Of an image: digitally edited or altered.
Photoshopped v. Simple past tense and past participle of Photoshop.
PORPHYROPSINporphyropsin n. Any of a group of purple carotenoid pigments, similar to rhodopsin, in the retinas of some fish.
PORPHYROPSIN n. a purple pigment in the retinal rods of freshwater fishes that resembles rhodopsin.
PROPHETSHIPSprophetships n. Plural of prophetship.
PROPHETSHIP n. the office of prophet.
PROPOXYPHENEpropoxyphene n. Dextropropoxyphene.
PROPOXYPHENE n. a narcotic analgesic structurally related to methadone but less addicting.
SHIPLAPPINGSSHIPLAPPING n. the overlapping of planks on a ship.
SLAPHAPPIESTslaphappiest adj. Superlative form of slaphappy: most slaphappy.
SLAPHAPPY adj. happy-go-lucky.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 124 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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