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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing H, L and 2W

HOLLOWWAREhollowware n. Items such as sugar bowls, creamers, coffee pots, teapots, soup tureens, etc. (but not flatware) intended…
hollowware n. Hollow articles of ironware, such as pots and kettles.
HOLLOWWARE n. hollow articles of china, iron etc. e.g. pots and kettles.
PLOWWRIGHTplowwright n. A person who builds and repairs plows.
PLOWWRIGHT n. one who makes ploughs, also PLOUGHWRIGHT.
WATERWHEELwaterwheel n. Alternative spelling of water wheel.
water-wheel n. Alternative spelling of water wheel.
water␣wheel n. A wheel, propelled by running or falling water, used to power machinery.
WHEELWORKSwheelworks n. Plural of wheelwork.
WHEELWORK n. a combination of wheels, and their connection, in a machine or mechanism.
WHEWELLITEwhewellite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral, hydrated calcium oxalate.
WHEWELLITE n. a mineral, calcium oxalate.
WHILLYWHASwhillywhas n. Plural of whillywha.
WHILLYWHAWWHILLYWHAW v. (Scots) to coax, wheedle, cajole, also WHILLYWHA.
WHIRLWINDSwhirlwinds n. Plural of whirlwind.
WHIRLWIND n. a small rotating windstorm.
WHITEWALLSwhitewalls n. Plural of whitewall.
WHITEWALL n. the spotted flycatcher, so called from the white color of the underparts.
WHOLEWHEATwholewheat adj. Alternative spelling of whole-wheat.
whole-wheat adj. (Of flour) Prepared from all the constituents of the wheat grain.
whole-wheat adj. (Of bread etc) Made from whole-wheat flour.
WILLOWHERBwillowherb n. Any of several flowering plants in the genus Epilobium of the family Onagraceae.
WILLOWHERB n. a perennial herb of the evening primrose family with willowlike leaves and seeds.
WITHDRAWALwithdrawal n. Receiving from someone’s care what one has earlier entrusted to them. Usually refers to money.
withdrawal n. A method of birth control which consists of removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation.
withdrawal n. A type of metabolic shock the body undergoes when a substance, usually a toxin such as heroin, to which…
WORMWHEELSwormwheels n. Plural of wormwheel.
worm␣wheels n. Plural of worm wheel.
WORMWHEEL n. the wheel of a wormgear.
WORTHWHILEworthwhile adj. Good and important enough to spend time, effort, or money on.
worth␣while adj. Dated spelling of worthwhile.
WORTHWHILE adj. being worth the time or effort spent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 77 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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