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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing H, U and X

BOXHAULSboxhauls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of boxhaul.
BOXHAUL v. to put (a vessel) on the other tack by veering her short round on her heel.
CHAPEAUXchapeaux n. Plural of chapeau.
CHAPEAU n. (French) a hat.
CHATEAUXchateaux n. Plural of chateau.
châteaux n. Plural of château.
CHATEAU n. (French) a large country house.
EXHAUSTSexhausts n. Plural of exhaust.
exhausts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of exhaust.
EXHAUST v. to use the whole strength of.
EXHUMATEexhumate v. (Obsolete) To exhume; to disinter.
EXHUMATE v. to dig out from the earth, also EXHUME.
EXHUMERSexhumers n. Plural of exhumer.
EXHUMER n. someone who exhumes.
EXHUMINGexhuming v. Present participle of exhume.
EXHUME v. to dig out from the earth, also EXHUMATE.
FOXHOUNDfoxhound n. A dog of a medium-sized breed developed for hunting.
Foxhound n. (NATO reporting name) The Soviet MiG 31 aircraft.
FOXHOUND n. a hunting dog.
FOXHUNTSfoxhunts n. Plural of foxhunt.
foxhunts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of foxhunt.
fox␣hunts n. Plural of fox hunt.
HARUSPEXharuspex n. A soothsayer or priest in Ancient Rome (originally Etruscan) who practiced divination by inspecting entrails.
HARUSPEX n. (Latin) a soothsayer of ancient Rome, also ARUSPEX.
LUNCHBOXlunchbox n. A container for transporting meals, especially lunch.
lunchbox n. (Slang, UK) The male genitals when enclosed in clothing.
lunchbox n. (Asia) A lunch packaged in a disposable box to be taken away to eat.
XANTHOUSxanthous adj. Yellow-brown; yolk-colored.
xanthous adj. (Archaic, ethnology) Pertaining to people with yellowish, red, auburn, or brown hair.
XANTHOUS adj. yellow- or red-haired; yellow-skinned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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