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There are 12 eight-letter words containing H, M and V

HIVEMINDhivemind n. (Science fiction) A collection of minds somehow linked or unified, possibly as if by telepathy.
hivemind n. (By extension) Collective intelligence, especially when facilitated by communication technology.
hivemind n. (Derogatory) A group of people who uncritically share beliefs or mindlessly follow orders.
MITSVAHSmitsvahs n. Plural of mitsvah.
MITSVAH n. (Hebrew) a commandment of Jewish law, also MITZVAH.
MITSVOTHmitsvoth n. Plural of mitsvah.
MITSVAH n. (Hebrew) a commandment of Jewish law, also MITZVAH.
MITZVAHSmitzvahs n. Plural of mitzvah.
MITZVAH n. (Hebrew) a commandment of Jewish law, also MITSVAH.
MITZVOTHmitzvoth n. Plural of mitzvah.
MITZVAH n. (Hebrew) a commandment of Jewish law, also MITSVAH.
MOSHAVIMmoshavim n. Plural of moshav.
MOSHAV n. (Hebrew) a cooperative settlement of small farms in Israel.
OVERMUCHovermuch det. (Chiefly Britain) Very much; too much.
overmuch adj. Excessive.
overmuch adv. (Chiefly Britain) Too much; overly much.
VEHEMENTvehement adj. Showing strong feelings; passionate; forceful or intense.
VEHEMENT adj. ardent.
VEHMIQUEVehmique adj. Alternative form of Vehmic.
VEHMIQUE adj. relating to a vehm, a mediaeval German court, also FEHMIC, VEHMIC.
VERMOUTHvermouth n. A dry, or sweet apéritif wine flavored with aromatic herbs, and often used in mixed drinks.
vermouth n. A serving of vermouth.
VERMOUTH n. (French) a drink with a white wine base, flavoured with wormwood and other herbs, also VERMUTH.
VERMUTHSvermuths n. Plural of vermuth.
VERMUTH n. (French) a drink with a white wine base, flavoured with wormwood and other herbs, also VERMOUTH.
WHOMEVERwhomever pron. Whatever person or persons (as object of verb or preposition).
WHOMEVER pron. the objective case of whoever.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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