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There are 20 seven-letter words containing H, U and V

CHAUVINChauvin prop.n. A surname.
CHAUVIN n. (French) one with excessive pride in his own country.
HAVEOURhaveour n. Alternative form of haviour.
HAVEOUR n. (obsolete) behaviour, demeanour, also HAVIOR, HAVIOUR.
HAVIOURhaviour n. (Obsolete) Demeanour, behaviour, comportment.
HAVIOUR n. (obsolete) behaviour, demeanour, also HAVEOUR, HAVIOR.
HECKUVAheckuva adj. (Colloquial) Heck of a; extreme.
HECKUVA adj. a heck of a.
HELLUVAhelluva adj. (Colloquial) (A) hell of a; extreme.
helluva adv. (Colloquial); (expletive) (A) hell of a; extremely or very.
HELLUVA adj. hell of a, also HELLOVA.
HUMVEEShumvees n. Plural of humvee.
Humvees n. Plural of Humvee.
HUMVEE n. (tradename) a high mobility multipurpose military wheeled vehicle.
UNHIVEDunhived v. Simple past tense and past participle of unhive.
UNHIVE v. to drive from a hive.
UNHIVESunhives v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unhive.
UNHIVE v. to drive from a hive.
UPHEAVEupheave v. (Transitive) To heave or lift up; raise up or aloft.
upheave v. (Transitive) To lift or thrust something upward forcefully, or be similarly lifted or thrust upward.
upheave v. (Intransitive) To be lifted up; rise.
VAGUISHvaguish adj. Somewhat vague.
VAGUISH adj. somewhat vague.
VAUCHEDVAUCH v. (dialect) to move fast.
VAUCHESVAUCH v. (dialect) to move fast.
VERMUTHvermuth n. Alternative spelling of vermouth.
VERMUTH n. (French) a drink with a white wine base, flavoured with wormwood and other herbs, also VERMOUTH.
VIHUELAvihuela n. (Music) A guitar-like string instrument of 15th- and 16th-century Spain, usually with six courses or…
vihuela n. (Music) A guitar-like string instrument of 19th-century Mexico with five strings, typically played in mariachi bands.
VIHUELA n. (Spanish) an old Spanish musical instrument related to the guitar.
VOGUISHvoguish adj. Elegant, fashionable or chic.
voguish adj. Trendy.
VOGUISH adj. fashionable.
VOUCHEDvouched v. Simple past tense and past participle of vouch.
VOUCH v. to give one's personal guarantee.
VOUCHEEvouchee n. (Law, archaic) The person who is vouched, or called into court to support or make good his warranty…
VOUCHEE n. one for whom another vouches.
VOUCHERvoucher n. A piece of paper that entitles the holder to a discount, or that can be exchanged for goods and services.
voucher n. A receipt.
voucher n. One who or that which vouches.
VOUCHESvouches n. Plural of vouch.
vouches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vouch.
VOUCH v. to give one's personal guarantee.
VUGHIERVUGHY adj. abounding in vugs, also VUGGY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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