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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 6 five-letter words containing H, J and S

HAJEShajes n. Plural of haj.
HAJ n. a pilgrimage to Mecca, also HADJ, HAJJ.
HAJIShajis n. Plural of haji.
Hajis prop.n. Plural of Haji.
HAJI n. (Arabic) a person who has made a hadj, a pilgrimage to Mecca, also HADJI, HADJEE, HAJJI.
JEHUSjehus n. Plural of jehu.
Jehus n. Plural of Jehu.
JEHU n. a coachman, esp. one who drives at a rattling pace.
JOHNSjohns n. Plural of john.
Johns prop.n. An English surname originating as a patronymic derived from John.
Johns prop.n. A township in Appanoose County, Iowa, United States, named for the many early settlers named John.
SHOJIshoji n. A door or partition consisting of a wooden frame covered in rice paper, used in traditional Japanese architecture.
Shoji prop.n. A male given name from Japanese.
SHOJI n. (Japanese) a translucent paper screen forming a sliding door or partition in a Japanese house.
SHOJOshojo n. (Anime, manga) A style of anime and manga intended for young women.
shojo adj. (Anime, manga) Being in the style of shōjo manga or anime.
shojo n. (Folklore) A creature in Japanese folklore, often depicted as a sea spirit with red hair and a fondness for alcohol.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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