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There are 16 five-letter words containing 2H and S

HAHAShahas n. Plural of haha.
ha-has n. Plural of ha-ha.
HAHA n. a fence set in a ditch.
HARSHharsh adj. Unpleasantly rough to the touch or other senses.
harsh adj. Severe or cruel.
harsh v. (Intransitive, slang) To negatively criticize.
HASHYhashy adj. Resembling marijuana in taste or smell.
hashy adj. (Scotland) Slovenly; careless.
HASHY adj. thrown together in a mess.
HETHSheths n. Plural of heth.
Heths prop.n. Plural of Heth.
HETH n. (Hebrew) the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, also CHETH, KHET, KHETH.
HIGHShighs n. Plural of high.
Highs prop.n. Plural of High.
HIGH v. to turn to the left.
HOGHShoghs n. Plural of hogh.
HOGH n. (Spenser) a hoe, a promontory.
HOOSHhoosh n. A whooshing sound.
hoosh n. (Antarctica, chiefly historical) A stew made from pemmican or other meat, thickened with biscuit.
hoosh v. (Intransitive) To move with a rushing sound; to whoosh.
HUHUShuhus n. Plural of huhu.
HUHU n. (Maori) a hairy New Zealand beetle.
HUSHYhushy adj. (Poetic) hushed; quiet.
HUSHY adj. hush-hush, secret.
PHISHphish v. To engage in phishing.
phish n. A phishing attack.
PHISH v. to engage in phishing, sending email that falsely claims to be from a legitimate organization.
SHAHSshahs n. Plural of shah.
Shahs prop.n. Plural of Shah.
shāhs n. Plural of shāh.
SHASHshash n. (Obsolete) The scarf of a turban.
shash n. (Obsolete) A sash.
shash n. (Television) Synonym of snow (“random pattern of dots when there is no signal”).
SHCHIshchi n. A type of soup from Russia made from cabbage.
SHCHI n. (Russian) a kind of cabbage soup, also SHTCHI.
SHISHshish adj. (Cooking) On a skewer.
shish n. (Chemistry) The spine of a shish kebab structure.
SHISH adj. (Turkish) as in shish kebab, a dish of meat and vegetables threaded on to skewers and grilled.
SHUSHshush v. (Onomatopoeia, intransitive) To be quiet; to keep quiet.
shush v. (Onomatopoeia, transitive or intransitive) To ask someone to be quiet, especially by saying shh.
SHUSH v. to hush.
WHISHwhish interj. Alternative spelling of whisht.
whish n. A sibilant sound, especially that of rapid movement through the air.
whish v. (Intransitive) To make such a sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 81 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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