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There are 8 four-letter words containing H, I and R

HAIRhair n. (Countable) A pigmented filament of keratin which grows from a follicle on the skin of humans and other mammals.
hair n. (Uncountable) The collection or mass of such growths growing from the skin of humans and animals, and…
hair n. (Zoology, countable) A slender outgrowth from the chitinous cuticle of insects, spiders, crustaceans…
HEIRheir n. Someone who inherits, or is designated to inherit, the property of another.
heir n. One who inherits, or has been designated to inherit, a hereditary title or office.
heir n. A successor in a role, representing continuity with the predecessor.
HIREhire n. Payment for the temporary use of something.
hire n. (Obsolete) Reward, payment.
hire n. The state of being hired, or having a job; employment.
RICHrich adj. Wealthy: having a lot of money and possessions.
rich adj. Having an intense fatty or sugary flavour.
rich adj. Remunerative.
SHIRshir v. (Sewing, cooking) Alternative form of shirr.
shir n. Alternative form of shirr.
SHIR v. to pucker, also SHIRR.
SHRIShri n. (India) a polite form of address equivalent to the English Mr.
Shri prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Dromaeosauridae – a theropod dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia.
SHRI n. (Sanskrit) in India, a title of great respect given to a man, also SRI.
THIRthir det. Obsolete spelling of their.
THIR adj. (Scots) those.
WHIRwhir n. Alternative spelling of whirr.
whir v. Alternative spelling of whirr.
WHIR v. to spin with a humming noise, also WHIRR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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