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There are 19 words containing G, O, R, 2S, T and 2U

FUTUROLOGISTSfuturologists n. Plural of futurologist.
FUTUROLOGIST n. a student of futurology.
GOUSTROUSGOUSTROUS adj. (Scots) boisterous, rude.
GRATUITOUSNESSgratuitousness n. The characteristic or state of being gratuitous.
GRATUITOUS n. done freely; needless.
GROUNDBURSTSgroundbursts n. Plural of groundburst.
GROUNDBURST n. the detonation of a nuclear warhead at ground level.
NEUROLINGUISTSneurolinguists n. Plural of neurolinguist.
NEUROLINGUIST n. a practitioner of neurolinguistics, the branch of linguistics which deals with the processing and storage of language in the brain.
OUTRAGEOUSNESSoutrageousness n. The quality of being outrageous.
OUTRAGEOUS n. exceeding the limits of what is usual.
OUTSOURCINGSoutsourcings n. Plural of outsourcing.
OUTSOURCING n. the act of sourcing work from outside a company.
SAUROGNATHOUSsaurognathous adj. (Zoology) having the bones of the palate arranged as in saurians, the vomer consisting of two lateral…
SAUROGNATHOUS adj. having a lizard-like arrangement of the palate-bones (as e.g. woodpeckers).
SLAUGHTERHOUSEslaughterhouse n. A place where animals are slaughtered.
slaughterhouse n. (Figuratively) The scene of a massacre.
SLAUGHTERHOUSE n. an establishment where animals are butchered.
SLAUGHTERHOUSESslaughterhouses n. Plural of slaughterhouse.
SLAUGHTERHOUSE n. an establishment where animals are butchered.
SLAUGHTEROUSslaughterous adj. Prone to slaughtering.
SLAUGHTEROUS adj. of or relating to slaughter.
SLAUGHTEROUSLYslaughterously adv. In a slaughterous fashion.
SLAUGHTEROUS adv. of or relating to slaughter.
STEGOSAURUSstegosaurus n. A stegosaur, a member of the suborder Stegosauria, of the order Ornithischia of the middle Jurassic…
stegosaurus n. A member of the genus Stegosaurus within this suborder.
Stegosaurus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Stegosauridae – herbivorous dinosaurs distinguished by the plates…
STEGOSAURUSESstegosauruses n. Plural of stegosaurus.
STEGOSAURUS n. a herbivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period, also STEGOSAUR.
SUBJUGATORSsubjugators n. Plural of subjugator.
SUBJUGATOR n. one who subjugates.
SUPERCOMPUTINGSSUPERCOMPUTING n. computing using a supercomputer, a large very fast mainframe used esp. for scientific computations.
SURMOUNTINGSsurmountings n. Plural of surmounting.
SURMOUNTING n. the act of surmounting.
SURROGATUMSSURROGATUM n. something that stands in place of something else, e.g. a price instead of the thing itself.
UNRIGHTEOUSNESSunrighteousness n. The state of being unrighteous.
UNRIGHTEOUSNESS n. the state of being unrighteous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 301 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 32 words

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