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There are 17 words containing G, L, M, N, O, S, U and Y

CONSUMINGLYconsumingly adv. In a consuming manner; so as to consume.
CONSUMING adv. wasting or destroying.
CYNOMOLGUScynomolgus n. (Often attributive) A long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis), native to Asia, that feeds on shellfish.
CYNOMOLGUS n. a type of macaque.
CYNOMOLGUSEScynomolguses n. Plural of cynomolgus.
CYNOMOLGUS n. a type of macaque.
ETHNOMUSICOLOGYethnomusicology n. (Music) The study of music and culture; the study of music as it relates to its cultural context.
ETHNOMUSICOLOGY n. the study of comparative musical systems.
HOMOGENEOUSLYhomogeneously adv. In a homogeneous manner.
HOMOGENEOUS adv. of a uniform consistency.
HOMOGONOUSLYHOMOGONOUS adv. exhibiting homogony, the condition of having flowers of equal size.
IGNOMINIOUSLYignominiously adv. In an ignominious manner.
IGNOMINIOUS adv. marked by disgrace or shame.
MAGNANIMOUSLYmagnanimously adv. In a magnanimous manner.
MAGNANIMOUS adv. showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit.
MONOGAMOUSLYmonogamously adv. In a monogamous manner.
MONOGAMOUS adv. relating to monogamy, also MONOGAMISTIC.
MUCILAGINOUSLYmucilaginously adv. In a mucilaginous manner.
MUCILAGINOUS adv. sticky, viscid.
MYELOGENOUSmyelogenous adj. Originating in, or produced by, bone marrow.
MYELOGENOUS adj. of, relating to, originating in, or produced by the bone marrow.
NUMISMATOLOGYnumismatology n. Numismatics.
NUMISMATOLOGY n. the study or collection of coins and medals.
POLYGONATUMSPOLYGONATUM n. the Solomon's seal genus Polygonatum, of the lily family.
POLYGONUMSpolygonums n. Plural of polygonum.
POLYGONUM n. any plant of the knotgrass family Polygonaceae.
SMOULDERINGLYsmoulderingly adv. Alternative form of smolderingly.
SMOULDERINGLY adv. in the manner of burning with no flame.
UNAMBIGUOUSLYunambiguously adv. In a manner that is not ambiguous; leaving no doubt; clearly.
UNAMBIGUOUS adv. not ambiguous.
UNPROMISINGLYunpromisingly adv. In an unpromising manner.
UNPROMISING adv. appearing unlikely to prove worthwhile or result favorably.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 269 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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