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There are 20 words containing G, I, O, P, R, 2T and U

CONSTUPRATINGconstuprating v. Present participle of constuprate.
CONSTUPRATE v. (obsolete) to ravish.
COUNTERPLOTTINGcounterplotting v. Present participle of counterplot.
COUNTERPLOT v. to intrigue against.
COUNTERPOINTINGcounterpointing v. Present participle of counterpoint.
COUNTERPOINT v. to compose or arrange in counterpoint.
DAGUERREOTYPISTdaguerreotypist n. A person who makes daguerreotypes.
DAGUERREOTYPIST n. one who practises daguerreotyping, also DAGUERREOTYPER.
OUTSPORTINGoutsporting v. Present participle of outsport.
OUTSPORT v. (Shakespeare) to sport beyond the limits of.
OUTSPRINTINGoutsprinting v. Present participle of outsprint.
OUTSPRINT v. to excel in sprinting.
OUTSTRIPPINGoutstripping v. Present participle of outstrip.
outstripping n. The act or process of something being outstripped.
OUTSTRIP v. to go faster or further than.
OUTTRUMPINGouttrumping v. Present participle of outtrump.
OUTTRUMP v. to surpass in trumping.
PIROUETTINGpirouetting v. Present participle of pirouette.
pirouetting n. The act of turning a pirouette.
PIROUETTE v. to make a pirouette.
POSTGRADUATIONpostgraduation n. (Followed by noun) After graduation; the time after graduation.
POSTGRADUATION n. the period of time following graduation.
POSTGRADUATIONSPOSTGRADUATION n. the period of time following graduation.
PRECONSTRUCTINGpreconstructing v. Present participle of preconstruct.
PRECONSTRUCT v. to construct in advance.
PREGUSTATIONpregustation n. The act of tasting beforehand; foretaste.
PREGUSTATION n. a foretaste.
PREGUSTATIONSpregustations n. Plural of pregustation.
PREGUSTATION n. a foretaste.
PROSTITUTINGprostituting v. Present participle of prostitute.
PROSTITUTE v. to offer indiscriminately for sexual intercourse esp. for money.
PROTUBERATINGprotuberating v. Present participle of protuberate.
PROTUBERATE v. to bulge out.
TELAUTOGRAPHICtelautographic adj. Of or relating to telautography.
TELAUTOGRAPHIC adj. relating to telautography.
TELAUTOGRAPHIESTELAUTOGRAPHY n. transmission by use of a Telautograph, a telegraph for reproducing the movement of a pen or pencil and so transmitting writings or drawings.
TETRASPORANGIUMtetrasporangium n. (Botany) A sporangium that produces tetraspores.
TETRASPORANGIUM n. the sporangium in which tetraspores are formed.
UNPROTESTINGunprotesting adj. Not protesting; compliant, docile.
UNPROTESTING adj. not protesting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 581 words
  • Scrabble in French: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 32 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 55 words

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