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There are 13 words containing G, I, 3O, P, R and Y

ANTHROPOBIOLOGYanthropobiology n. Bioanthropology.
ANTHROPOBIOLOGY n. the study of human biology.
CRYPTOZOOLOGIESCRYPTOZOOLOGY n. the study of and search for animals and esp. legendary animals.
CRYPTOZOOLOGISTcryptozoologist n. (Cryptozoology) One who studies cryptozoology.
CRYPTOZOOLOGIST n. one who studies cryptozoology.
LEPIDOPTEROLOGYlepidopterology n. (Biology, zoology, entomology) The scientific study of butterflies and moths (the Lepidoptera).
lepidopterology n. Lepidoptery, (the hobby of butterfly collecting).
LEPIDOPTEROLOGY n. the study of butterflies and moths.
MICROMORPHOLOGYmicromorphology n. (Biology, mineralogy, soil science) The fine-level structures or morphology of an organism, mineral…
micromorphology n. Microstructure.
MICROMORPHOLOGY n. the microscopic structure of a material, as a mineral or a biological cell, aka microstructure.
MORPHOLOGICALLYmorphologically adv. With regard to morphology.
MORPHOLOGICAL adv. relating to morphology, also MORPHOLOGIC.
NEUROPHYSIOLOGYneurophysiology n. (Physiology, neuroscience) The branch of physiology that deals with the nervous system.
NEUROPHYSIOLOGY n. the physiology of the nervous system.
NONHYGROSCOPICnonhygroscopic adj. Not hygroscopic.
NONHYGROSCOPIC adj. not hygroscopic.
OLIGOTROPHYoligotrophy n. (Geography, a body of water) the quality of having a low level of nutrients and minerals.
OLIGOTROPHY n. the state of being oligotrophic.
PAROEMIOLOGYparoemiology n. Alternative form of paremiology.
PAROEMIOLOGY n. the study of proverbs.
PERIODONTOLOGYperiodontology n. (Dentistry) Periodontics.
PERIODONTOLOGY n. the branch of dentistry concerned with periodontal diseases.
PROTISTOLOGYprotistology n. (Biology) The scientific study of protists.
PROTISTOLOGY n. the study of protists.
TROPOLOGICALLYtropologically adv. In a tropological manner.
TROPOLOGICAL adv. characterized by tropes or figures of speech, also TROPOLOGIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 652 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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