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There are 19 words containing G, I, 3N and 3O

COGNOMINATIONcognomination n. A cognomen, surname.
COGNOMINATION n. the act of cognominating, naming.
COGNOMINATIONScognominations n. Plural of cognomination.
COGNOMINATION n. the act of cognominating, naming.
HONEYMOONINGhoneymooning v. Present participle of honeymoon.
honeymooning n. A honeymoon.
honeymooning adj. On a honeymoon.
MONOTONINGmonotoning v. Present participle of monotone.
MONOTONE v. to sing or speak in a single unvaried tone or pitch.
MONOTONISINGMONOTONISE v. to make into a monotone, also MONOTONIZE.
MONOTONIZINGmonotonizing v. Present participle of monotonize.
MONOTONIZE v. to make into a monotone, also MONOTONISE.
NONCOMEDOGENICnoncomedogenic adj. Not comedogenic.
NONCONFORMINGnonconforming adj. That does not conform, for example to cultural norms, official regulations, or the rules of an established church.
non-conforming adj. Alternative form of nonconforming.
NONCONFORMING n. the act of not conforming.
NONCONFORMINGSNONCONFORMING n. the act of not conforming.
NONCONTAGIOUSnoncontagious adj. Not contagious.
non-contagious adj. Alternative spelling of noncontagious.
NONCONTAGIOUS adj. not contagious.
NONCONTIGUOUSnoncontiguous adj. Not contiguous.
non-contiguous adj. Alternative form of noncontiguous.
NONCONTIGUOUS adj. not contiguous.
NONCONTROLLINGnoncontrolling adj. Not controlling (especially of a stake in a company).
NONCONTROLLING adj. not controlling.
NONCORRODINGnoncorroding adj. That cannot be corroded.
NONCORRODING adj. not corroding.
NONHOMOGENEITYnonhomogeneity n. Absence of homogeneity.
NONHOMOGENEITY n. the state of being not homogeneous.
NONNITROGENOUSnonnitrogenous adj. Not nitrogenous.
NONNITROGENOUS adj. not nitrogenous.
NONRECOGNITIONnonrecognition adj. (Taxation) Not involving recognition of gain or loss.
nonrecognition n. Lack of recognition.
NONRECOGNITION n. something that is not recognition.
NONRECOGNITIONSnonrecognitions n. Plural of nonrecognition.
NONRECOGNITION n. something that is not recognition.
PONTOONINGpontooning n. The art or process of constructing pontoon bridges.
PONTOON v. to cross with a pontoon.
THANATOGNOMONICthanatognomonic adj. Foreshadowing death.
THANATOGNOMONIC adj. indicating or characteristic of death.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 576 words
  • Scrabble in French: 59 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 80 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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