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There are 20 words containing G, I, 2M, O, R and 2T

RECOMMITTINGrecommitting v. Present participle of recommit.
RECOMMIT v. to commit again.
MAGNETOMETRICmagnetometric adj. Pertaining to, or employed in, the measurement of magnetic forces.
magnetometric adj. Obtained by means of a magnetometer.
MAGNETOMETRIC adj. relating to magnetometry.
THIGMOTROPISMthigmotropism n. (Biology) Growth or motion in response to touch.
THIGMOTROPISM n. the response of an organism to direct contact with a surface, e.g. a creeping plant that twines itself around a support.
COMPARTMENTINGcompartmenting v. Present participle of compartment.
COMPARTMENT v. to put into compartments.
GRAMMATOLOGISTgrammatologist n. One who studies grammatology.
GRAMMATOLOGIST n. a specialist in grammatology.
LIPOGRAMMATISTlipogrammatist n. One who makes a lipogram.
LIPOGRAMMATIST n. one who writes lipograms.
MAGNETOMETRIESmagnetometries n. Plural of magnetometry.
MAGNETOMETRY n. measurement by magnetometer.
MICROPEGMATITEmicropegmatite n. (Mineralogy) A rock showing under the microscope the structure of pegmatite.
MICROPEGMATITE n. a microscopic intergrowth of quartz and feldspar.
OVERCOMMITTINGovercommitting v. Present participle of overcommit.
OVERCOMMIT v. to commit excessively.
THERMOMAGNETICthermomagnetic adj. (Physics) Of or pertaining to any of several phenomena occurring when an electrical conductor or semiconductor…
THERMOMAGNETIC adj. of or relating to the effects of heat upon the magnetic properties of substances or to the effects of a magnetic field upon thermal conduction.
THIGMOTROPISMSthigmotropisms n. Plural of thigmotropism.
THIGMOTROPISM n. the response of an organism to direct contact with a surface, e.g. a creeping plant that twines itself around a support.
GRAMMATOLOGISTSgrammatologists n. Plural of grammatologist.
GRAMMATOLOGIST n. a specialist in grammatology.
HIEROGRAMMATISThierogrammatist n. A writer of hierograms.
hierogrammatist n. One skilled in hieroglyphics.
HIEROGRAMMATIST n. a writer of sacred records.
LIPOGRAMMATISTSlipogrammatists n. Plural of lipogrammatist.
LIPOGRAMMATIST n. one who writes lipograms.
MICROGAMETOCYTEmicrogametocyte n. A gametocyte that produces microgametes.
MICROGAMETOCYTE n. a gametocyte producing microgametes.
MICROPEGMATITESmicropegmatites n. Plural of micropegmatite.
MICROPEGMATITE n. a microscopic intergrowth of quartz and feldspar.
MICROPEGMATITICmicropegmatitic adj. Of or relating to micropegmatite.
MICROPEGMATITIC adj. relating to micropegmatite, a microscopic intergrowth of quartz and feldspar.
PHOTOGRAMMETRICphotogrammetric adj. Of or pertaining to photogrammetry.
PHOTOGRAMMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by photogrammetry.
STALAGMOMETRIESSTALAGMOMETRY n. measurement of surface tension by drops.
THREMMATOLOGIESTHREMMATOLOGY n. the science of breeding domestic animals and plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 343 words
  • Scrabble in French: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 142 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 26 words

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