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There are 20 words containing G, I, 2L, O, P and 2T

ELECTROPLATINGelectroplating v. Present participle of electroplate.
electroplating n. A process of coating the surfaces of a metal object with a layer of a different metal through electrochemical…
ELECTROPLATING n. the act of electroplating.
ELECTROPLATINGSelectroplatings n. Plural of electroplating.
ELECTROPLATING n. the act of electroplating.
EPIGLOTTALepiglottal adj. Pertaining to the epiglottis.
epiglottal adj. (Phonetics) Produced using the epiglottis.
epiglottal n. (Phonetics) An epiglottal consonant.
EXPOSTULATINGLYexpostulatingly adv. With expostulations.
EXPOSTULATING adv. EXPOSTULATE, to remonstrate; to discuss or reason with.
METALLOGRAPHISTmetallographist n. (Dated) One who writes on the subject of metals.
METALLOGRAPHIST n. one who practises metallography.
OPHTHALMOLOGISTophthalmologist n. A medical doctor specializing in the eye: deficiencies of vision requiring correction, and diseases…
OPHTHALMOLOGIST n. one who studies ophthalmology, the science of the eye.
PALAEONTOLOGISTpalaeontologist n. Alternative spelling of paleontologist.
palæontologist n. Alternative spelling of paleontologist.
PALAEONTOLOGIST n. a student of palaeontology, also PALEONTOLOGIST.
PALEONTOLOGISTpaleontologist n. One who studies paleontology.
PALEONTOLOGIST n. one who studies paleontology, also PALAEONTOLOGIST.
PALEONTOLOGISTSpaleontologists n. Plural of paleontologist.
PALEONTOLOGIST n. one who studies paleontology, also PALAEONTOLOGIST.
PLANETOLOGISTplanetologist n. Planetary scientist.
PLANETOLOGIST n. one who studies planetology.
PLANETOLOGISTSplanetologists n. Plural of planetologist.
PLANETOLOGIST n. one who studies planetology.
PLOTTINGLYplottingly adv. In a plotting manner; engaging in plots or schemes.
PLOTTING adv. conspiratorial.
PLUTOLOGISTplutologist n. One who studies plutology, the science of wealth.
PLUTOLOGIST n. a student of plutology, political economy.
PLUTOLOGISTSplutologists n. Plural of plutologist.
PLUTOLOGIST n. a student of plutology, political economy.
POLYGLOTTICpolyglottic adj. Polyglot.
POLYGLOTTISMpolyglottism n. Alternative spelling of polyglotism.
POLYGLOTTISM n. the state of being polyglot.
POLYGLOTTISMSpolyglottisms n. Plural of polyglottism.
POLYGLOTTISM n. the state of being polyglot.
POSTCOLLEGIATEpostcollegiate adj. Occurring after graduation from college.
POSTCOLLEGIATE adj. taking place after college.
POSTILLATINGpostillating v. Present participle of postillate.
POSTILLATE v. to explain by marginal notes.
PREALLOTTINGpreallotting v. Present participle of preallot.
PREALLOT v. to allot beforehand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 487 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 12 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 26 words

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