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There are 15 words containing G, I, 2L, N, R, S and W

CREWELLINGSCREWELLING n. the act of working in crewel yarn.
DRYWALLINGSDRYWALLING n. the act of building a drywall.
OVERSWELLINGoverswelling v. Present participle of overswell.
overswelling n. Excessive swelling.
OVERSWELL v. to swell or rise above; to overflow.
RESWALLOWINGreswallowing v. Present participle of reswallow.
RESWALLOW v. to swallow again.
SCRAWLINGLYscrawlingly adv. In a way that scrawls or scribbles.
SCRAWLING adv. of writing, hasty, illegible.
SHILLINGSWORTHshillingsworth n. (Historical) An object or quantity that can be purchased for a shilling.
SHILLINGSWORTH n. goods to the value of a shilling.
SHILLINGSWORTHSshillingsworths n. Plural of shillingsworth.
SHILLINGSWORTH n. goods to the value of a shilling.
SWELTERINGLYswelteringly adv. In a sweltering way.
SWIRLINGLYswirlingly adv. With a swirling motion.
SWIRLING adv. SWIRL, to move with a whirling motion.
WALLCOVERINGSwallcoverings n. Plural of wallcovering.
wall␣coverings n. Plural of wall covering.
WALLCOVERING n. a covering for a wall.
WELLSPRINGwellspring n. The source of water for a stream, spring or well; a fountainhead; a wellhead.
wellspring n. (Figurative) A perennial source of anything; a fountainhead of supply or emanation; resource.
WELLSPRING n. a fountain; a spring; a source of continual supply.
WELLSPRINGSwellsprings n. Plural of wellspring.
WELLSPRING n. a fountain; a spring; a source of continual supply.
WINTERKILLINGSWINTERKILLING n. killing by exposure to cold.
WIREPULLINGSWIREPULLING n. the use of private or secret influence for one's own ends.
WORLDLINGSworldlings n. Plural of worldling.
WORLDLING n. a person engrossed in concerns of the present world.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 253 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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