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There are 18 words containing G, I, 2L, N, O, R and W

GLOWERINGLYgloweringly adv. In a glowering manner.
GLOWERING adv. GLOWER, to look or stare with sullen annoyance or anger.
GROWLINGLYgrowlingly adv. In a growling manner; with growls.
GROWLING adv. with a growl.
LOWERINGLYloweringly adv. In a lowering manner; with cloudiness or threatening gloom.
LOWERING adv. overcast, threatening.
OVERFLOWINGLYoverflowingly adv. So as to overflow; very excessively or generously.
OVERFLOWING adv. abundant to excess.
OVERSWELLINGoverswelling v. Present participle of overswell.
overswelling n. Excessive swelling.
OVERSWELL v. to swell or rise above; to overflow.
OVERWHELMINGLYoverwhelmingly adv. In an overwhelming manner; very greatly or intensely.
overwhelmingly adv. Mostly; predominantly; almost completely.
OVERWHELMING adv. crushing.
PROWLINGLYprowlingly adv. In a prowling manner.
PROWLING adv. stealthy.
REBELLOWINGrebellowing v. Present participle of rebellow.
REBELLOW v. (Spenser) to bellow in return.
RESWALLOWINGreswallowing v. Present participle of reswallow.
RESWALLOW v. to swallow again.
ROWELLINGrowelling v. Present participle of rowel.
ROWEL v. to prick with a spiked wheel in order to urge forward.
SHILLINGSWORTHshillingsworth n. (Historical) An object or quantity that can be purchased for a shilling.
SHILLINGSWORTH n. goods to the value of a shilling.
SHILLINGSWORTHSshillingsworths n. Plural of shillingsworth.
SHILLINGSWORTH n. goods to the value of a shilling.
TROWELLINGtrowelling v. (Britain) present participle of trowel.
TROWEL v. to smooth with a tool with a flat blade.
WALLCOVERINGwallcovering n. A covering for a wall, such as wallpaper.
wall␣covering n. Alternative form of wallcovering.
WALLCOVERING n. a covering for a wall.
WALLCOVERINGSwallcoverings n. Plural of wallcovering.
wall␣coverings n. Plural of wall covering.
WALLCOVERING n. a covering for a wall.
WORLDLINGworldling n. A mundane person, preoccupied with worldly affairs rather than spiritual matters.
WORLDLING n. a person engrossed in concerns of the present world.
WORLDLINGSworldlings n. Plural of worldling.
WORLDLING n. a person engrossed in concerns of the present world.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 292 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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