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There are 14 words containing G, 2I, 2L, 2N and V

ANVILLINGanvilling v. Present participle of anvil.
ANVIL v. to shape on a heavy iron block.
GALLIVANTINGgallivanting v. Present participle of gallivant.
gallivanting n. Roaming about for pleasure.
GALLIVANT v. to roam about for pleasure without any definite plan, also GALAVANT, GALIVANT.
NAVIGATIONALLYnavigationally adv. In terms of navigation.
NAVIGATIONAL adv. relating to navigation.
OUTVILLAININGoutvillaining v. Present participle of outvillain.
OUTVILLAIN v. (Shakespeare) to exceed in villainy.
SNIVELLINGsnivelling v. Present participle of snivel.
snivelling n. The act of producing a snivel.
SNIVELLING n. the act or sound of snivelling.
SNIVELLINGSsnivellings n. Plural of snivelling.
SNIVELLING n. the act or sound of snivelling.
UNAVAILINGLYunavailingly adv. In an unavailing manner; without successful results; to no avail.
UNAVAILING adv. not availing.
UNBELIEVINGLYunbelievingly adv. In an unbelieving way.
unbelievingly adv. Synonym of incredibly.
UNBELIEVING adv. UNBELIEVE, to disbelieve; to cease to believe.
VIGINTILLIONvigintillion num. Originally, in accordance with the long scale, the twentieth power of a million, 10120; now (originally…
VIGINTILLION n. ten to the power of 63.
VIGINTILLIONSvigintillions n. Plural of vigintillion.
VIGINTILLION n. ten to the power of 63.
VILLAINIZINGvillainizing v. Present participle of villainize.
VIRGINALLINGVIRGINAL v. (Shakespeare) to play on the virginal, a kind of mediaeval harp.
VITELLOGENINvitellogenin n. (Biochemistry) An egg-yolk precursor protein expressed in the females of nearly all oviparous species.
VITELLOGENINSvitellogenins n. Plural of vitellogenin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 175 words
  • Scrabble in French: 30 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 32 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 30 words

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