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There are 20 words containing G, 3I, R and 3S

AGGRESSIVITIESaggressivities n. Plural of aggressivity.
AGGRESSIVITY n. aggressiveness.
CROSSLINGUISTICcrosslinguistic adj. Spanning more than one language.
cross-linguistic adj. Alternative form of crosslinguistic.
CROSSLINGUISTIC adj. of or relating to languages of different families and types.
DISTINGUISHERSdistinguishers n. Plural of distinguisher.
DISTINGUISHER n. one who distinguishes.
GREISENISATIONSgreisenisations n. Plural of greisenisation.
GREISENISATION n. the process by which granite is converted to greisen, also GREISENIZATION.
IMAGINARINESSESIMAGINARINESS n. the state of being imaginary.
IRRELIGIOUSNESSirreligiousness n. The state or quality of being irreligious; ungodliness.
IRRELIGIOUSNESS n. the state of being irreligious.
MISTIGRISESMISTIGRIS n. (French) a variation of poker in which a joker or blank card can be given any value.
MISWORSHIPPINGSMISWORSHIPPING n. worshipping in a false way.
PERIGASTRITISESPERIGASTRITIS n. inflammation of the outer surface of the stomach.
PROGRESSIVISTICprogressivistic adj. Relating to, or supporting, progressivism.
PROGRESSIVISTIC adj. relating to progressivism.
PROGRESSIVITIESprogressivities n. Plural of progressivity.
PROGRESSIVITY n. the state of being a progressive tax.
PRUSSIANISINGPrussianising v. Present participle of Prussianise.
PRUSSIANISE v. to make Prussian in character or principle, as in authoritarian control or rigid discipline, also PRUSSIANIZE.
REGRESSIVITIESregressivities n. Plural of regressivity.
REGRESSIVITY n. the state of being regressive.
RESENSITISINGresensitising v. Present participle of resensitise.
RESENSITISE v. to sensitise again, also RESENSITIZE.
SEIGNIORSHIPSseigniorships n. Plural of seigniorship.
SEIGNIORSHIP n. the office of seignior.
SILVERSMITHINGSSILVERSMITHING n. the craft of the silversmith.
SKIRMISHINGSskirmishings n. Plural of skirmishing.
SKIRMISHING n. the act of skirmishing.
SYRINGITISESSYRINGITIS n. inflammation of the Eustachian tube.
TRANSISTORISINGtransistorising v. Present participle of transistorise.
TRANSISTORISE v. to fit with or convert to use transistors, also TRANSISTORIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 249 words
  • Scrabble in French: 96 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 30 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 233 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 26 words

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