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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing G, I, M, N, P, 2S and T

CAMPANOLOGISTScampanologists n. Plural of campanologist.
CAMPANOLOGIST n. one who practices or is skilled in the art of bell ringing.
DISPARAGEMENTSdisparagements n. Plural of disparagement.
DISPARAGEMENT n. the act of disparaging.
GENTLEMANSHIPSGENTLEMANSHIP n. the state of being a gentleman.
GRANTSMANSHIPSgrantsmanships n. Plural of grantsmanship.
GRANTSMANSHIP n. the art of obtaining grants for research.
LYMPHANGITISESLYMPHANGITIS n. inflammation of a lymphatic vessel.
MASTIGOPHORANSmastigophorans n. Plural of mastigophoran.
MASTIGOPHORAN n. any protozoan having one or more flagella, also MASTIGOPHORE.
MISPOSITIONINGmispositioning n. Wrong positioning.
MISPOSITION v. to position wrongly.
MOUSETRAPPINGSMOUSETRAPPING n. a range of techniques employed to stop users leaving a website.
PANGRAMMATISTSpangrammatists n. Plural of pangrammatist.
PANGRAMMATIST n. a person composing sentences, verses, etc., containing all the letters of the alphabet.
PARAMAGNETISMSparamagnetisms n. Plural of paramagnetism.
PARAMAGNETISM n. the state of being paramagnetic.
PHLEGMATICNESSPHLEGMATICNESS n. the state of being phlegmatic.
PHYSIOGNOMISTSphysiognomists n. Plural of physiognomist.
PHYSIOGNOMIST n. a student of physiognomy.
PHYSOSTIGMINESphysostigmines n. Plural of physostigmine.
PHYSOSTIGMINE n. an alkaloid found in the Calabar bean used esp. in eye drops to reduce pressure inside the eyeball, aka eserine, also PHYSOSTIGMIN.
PNEUMOGASTRICSpneumogastrics n. Plural of pneumogastric.
PNEUMOGASTRIC n. the vagus.
PULMONOLOGISTSpulmonologists n. Plural of pulmonologist.
PULMONOLOGIST n. a consultant in pulmonology, the study of the lungs.
SEMPSTRESSINGSSEMPSTRESSING n. working as a sempstress.
SPERMATOGENIESSPERMATOGENY n. the formation of spermatozoa.
TEMPTINGNESSESTEMPTINGNESS n. the state of being tempting.
UNSYMPATHISINGunsympathising adj. Alternative form of unsympathizing.
UNSYMPATHISING adj. not sympathising, also UNSYMPATHIZING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 15 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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