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There are 16 words containing G, H, 2O, 2R and 2T

GROATSWORTHgroatsworth n. (Historical) An object or quantity that can be purchased for a groat; hence (figurative) a small amount; a morsel.
GROATSWORTH n. (obsolete) the value of a groat.
GROATSWORTHSgroatsworths n. Plural of groatsworth.
GROATSWORTH n. (obsolete) the value of a groat.
THOROUGHWORTthoroughwort n. Any of several plants of the genus Eupatorium.
thoroughwort n. The common boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum).
THOROUGHWORT n. a wild flower with perfoliate leaves.
THROUGHOTHERthroughother adj. (Ireland, dialect) untidy.
THROUGHOTHER adv. in confusion, also THROUGHITHER.
ORTHOGRAPHISTorthographist n. One who is versed in orthography.
ORTHOGRAPHIST n. an orthographer.
THOROUGHWORTSthoroughworts n. Plural of thoroughwort.
THOROUGHWORT n. a wild flower with perfoliate leaves.
GEOTHERMOMETERgeothermometer n. (Geology) A proxy that allows for geothermometry, the determination of the temperature of a geological…
geothermometer n. (Obsolete) A thermometer designed for measuring extremely high temperatures below ground level.
GEOTHERMOMETER n. instrument for measuring subterranean temperatures.
ORTHOGRAPHISTSorthographists n. Plural of orthographist.
ORTHOGRAPHIST n. an orthographer.
ORTHOPTEROLOGYorthopterology n. The scientific study of the Orthoptera.
ORTHOPTEROLOGY n. the study of cockroaches.
PHOTOGRAMMETRYphotogrammetry n. The making of precise measurements from photographs.
photogrammetry n. The making of maps from photographs, especially from aerial surveying.
PHOTOGRAMMETRY n. the science of making reliable measurements by the use of photographs and esp. aerial photographs (as in surveying).
ASTROPHOTOGRAPHastrophotograph n. Alternative form of astrophoto.
ASTROPHOTOGRAPH n. a photograph of a celestial body.
GEOTHERMOMETERSgeothermometers n. Plural of geothermometer.
GEOTHERMOMETER n. instrument for measuring subterranean temperatures.
HYETOMETROGRAPHHYETOMETROGRAPH n. an instrument for recording rainfall.
PHOTOGRAMMETRICphotogrammetric adj. Of or pertaining to photogrammetry.
PHOTOGRAMMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by photogrammetry.
THERMOREGULATORthermoregulator n. Any organism that carries out thermoregulation.
thermoregulator n. A device that assists with thermoregulation, e.g. for a newborn infant.
THERMOREGULATOR n. a device, such as a thermostat, for the regulation of temperature.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 747 words
  • Scrabble in French: 31 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 23 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 9 words

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