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There are 18 words containing G, H, N, P, R, S, T and Y

HYPNOBIRTHINGSHYPNOBIRTHING n. the use of hypnotic technique during labour by an expectant mother to reduce the pain and emotional stress of delivery.
PHANTASMAGORYphantasmagory n. Phantasmagoria.
PHANTASMAGORY n. a fantastic sequence of haphazardly associative imagery, as seen in dreams or fever, also PHANTASMAGORIA.
PHARYNGITIDESpharyngitides n. Plural of pharyngitis.
PHARYNGITIS n. inflammation of the pharynx.
PHARYNGITISpharyngitis n. Inflammation of the pharynx.
PHARYNGITIS n. inflammation of the pharynx.
PHARYNGITISESPHARYNGITIS n. inflammation of the pharynx.
PHARYNGOLOGISTpharyngologist n. A student of pharyngology; one versed in the science of pharyngology.
PHARYNGOLOGIST n. a specialist in pharyngology, the study of the throat.
PHARYNGOLOGISTSpharyngologists n. Plural of pharyngologist.
PHARYNGOLOGIST n. a specialist in pharyngology, the study of the throat.
PHARYNGOTOMIESpharyngotomies n. Plural of pharyngotomy.
PHARYNGOTOMY n. the surgical removal of the pharynx.
PHOSPHORYLATINGphosphorylating v. Present participle of phosphorylate.
phosphorylating adj. That phosphorylates.
PHOSPHORYLATE v. to cause (an organic compound) to take up or combine with phosphoric acid or a phosphorus-containing group.
PHYTOESTROGENphytoestrogen n. (Biochemistry) A substance found in certain plants (such as genistein) which can produce effects like…
PHYTOESTROGEN n. a plant substance similar to a weak oestrogen.
PHYTOESTROGENSphytoestrogens n. Plural of phytoestrogen.
PHYTOESTROGEN n. a plant substance similar to a weak oestrogen.
PORPHYROGENITESporphyrogenites n. Plural of porphyrogenite.
PORPHYROGENITE n. a Byzantine emperor's son, born in the purple.
SCINTIGRAPHYscintigraphy n. (Medicine) A radiographic technique, using radioactive tracers, for the diagnosis of injuries to bones.
SCINTIGRAPHY n. a diagnostic technique using gamma rays.
STEGANOGRAPHYsteganography n. The practice of hiding messages, so that the presence of the message itself is hidden, often by writing…
steganography n. Specifically: the use of small computer files to communicate secret information.
STEGANOGRAPHY n. the practice of concealing digital data within some of the pixels of an image.
STENOGRAPHYstenography n. The practice of transcribing speech (primarily for later dictation or testimony), usually using shorthand.
STENOGRAPHY n. the skill or occupation of writing in shorthand.
ULTRASONOGRAPHYultrasonography n. (Medicine) The use of ultrasound to produce diagnostic images of the internal organs of the body, or of a foetus.
ultrasonography n. The use of ultrasound to form images of underwater structures.
ULTRASONOGRAPHY n. the use of ultrasound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 526 words
  • Scrabble in French: 30 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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