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There are 19 words containing G, H, L, N, O, P and 2T

PLECTOGNATHplectognath n. Any fish of the order Tetraodontiformes.
PLECTOGNATH n. any spiny-finned marine fish of the mainly tropical order Plectognathi, that includes puffers, triggerfish, trunkfish and sunfish.
POTLATCHINGpotlatching n. (Also attributively) gerund of potlatch.
potlatching v. Present participle of potlatch.
POTLATCH v. to exchange gifts.
PHOTOGELATINphotogelatin n. Gelatin, coated on a glass plate, that carries an image to be printed by the collotype process.
PHOTOGELATIN adj. as in photogelatin process, another name for collotype.
PLECTOGNATHSplectognaths n. Plural of plectognath.
PLECTOGNATH n. any spiny-finned marine fish of the mainly tropical order Plectognathi, that includes puffers, triggerfish, trunkfish and sunfish.
SPOTLIGHTINGspotlighting v. Present participle of spotlight.
SPOTLIGHT v. to highlight.
TRIPHTHONGALtriphthongal adj. Pertaining to a triphthong.
TRIPHTHONGAL adj. relating to triphthong.
PANTHEOLOGISTpantheologist n. One versed in pantheology.
PANTHEOLOGIST n. a specialist in pantheology.
PHOTOGELATINEPHOTOGELATINE adj. another name for collotype, a method of printing illustrations from hardened gelatin film.
PLECTOGNATHICplectognathic adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the plectognaths.
PLECTOGNATHIC adj. belonging to an order of bony fishes including filefishes, also PLECTOGNATHOUS.
ANTHROPOLOGISTanthropologist n. An expert in anthropology.
ANTHROPOLOGIST n. one who studies anthropology.
ANTIPHLOGISTICantiphlogistic adj. (Pharmacology) Counteracting inflammation.
antiphlogistic adj. Opposed to the doctrine of phlogiston.
antiphlogistic n. (Pharmacology) A plant or remedy that reduces inflammation.
PANTHEOLOGISTSpantheologists n. Plural of pantheologist.
PANTHEOLOGIST n. a specialist in pantheology.
PHYTOGENETICALphytogenetical adj. Synonym of phytogenetic.
PHYTOGENETICAL adj. relating to phytogenesis, also PHYTOGENETIC.
PLECTOGNATHOUSplectognathous adj. Alternative form of plectognathic.
PLECTOGNATHOUS adj. belonging to an order of bony fishes including filefishes, also PLECTOGNATHIC.
TROTHPLIGHTINGtrothplighting v. Present participle of trothplight.
TROTHPLIGHT v. to betroth.
ANTHROPOLOGISTSanthropologists n. Plural of anthropologist.
ANTHROPOLOGIST n. one who studies anthropology.
ANTIPHLOGISTICSantiphlogistics n. Plural of antiphlogistic.
ANTIPHLOGISTIC n. an antipyretic, a drug used against inflammation.
ANTISHOPLIFTINGantishoplifting adj. That serves to counter shoplifting.
ANTISHOPLIFTING adj. designed to prevent shoplifting.
PHLOGISTICATINGphlogisticating v. Present participle of phlogisticate.
PHLOGISTICATE v. to combine with phlogiston.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 533 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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