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There are 18 words containing G, H, L, 2N, O, S and U

ETHNOLINGUISTethnolinguist n. A scholar of ethnolinguistics; a linguistic anthropologist who studies the language of a specific ethnic group.
ETHNOLINGUIST n. one who studies the relationship between language and cultural behaviour.
ETHNOLINGUISTICethnolinguistic adj. Of or pertaining to ethnolinguistics.
ethnolinguistic adj. (Anthropology) Associated with a particular ethnicity and a particular variety of language.
ETHNOLINGUISTIC adj. pertaining to the study of the relationship between language and cultural behaviour.
ETHNOLINGUISTSethnolinguists n. Plural of ethnolinguist.
ETHNOLINGUIST n. one who studies the relationship between language and cultural behaviour.
FUNDHOLDINGSFUNDHOLDING n. under the NHS, the system enabling general practitioners to receive a fixed budget.
HALLUCINOGENICShallucinogenics n. Plural of hallucinogenic.
HALLUCINOGENIC n. a substance that induces hallucinations, also HALLUCINOGEN.
HALLUCINOGENShallucinogens n. Plural of hallucinogen.
HALLUCINOGEN n. a substance that induces hallucinations, also HALLUCINOGENIC.
HOUSECLEANINGhousecleaning n. Collectively, the tasks involved with cleaning a house; the practice of cleaning a house.
housecleaning v. Present participle of houseclean.
HOUSECLEANING n. the act of cleaning house.
HOUSECLEANINGShousecleanings n. Plural of housecleaning.
HOUSECLEANING n. the act of cleaning house.
NANOPUBLISHINGnanopublishing n. Blog-based publishing intended for a certain niche audience.
NANOPUBLISHING n. online, low-cost publishing which utilizes blogs and techniques based on blogging in order to target a specific audience.
NANOPUBLISHINGSNANOPUBLISHING n. online, low-cost publishing which utilizes blogs and techniques based on blogging in order to target a specific audience.
NEIGHBOURLINESSneighbourliness n. Britain standard spelling of neighborliness.
NEIGHBOURLINESS n. the state of being neighbourly, also NEIGHBORLINESS.
NONHOMOLOGOUSnonhomologous adj. (Genetics) Not homologous.
NONHOMOLOGOUS adj. not homologous.
NOURISHINGLYnourishingly adv. In a way that provides nourishment or food.
NOURISHING adv. NOURISH, to sustain with food.
SNOWPLOUGHINGsnowploughing v. Present participle of snowplough.
snow␣ploughing v. Present participle of snow plough.
SNOWPLOUGH v. to clear with a snowplough, also SNOWPLOW.
SULPHONATINGsulphonating v. Present participle of sulphonate.
SULPHONATE v. to convert into sulphonic acid, also SULFONATE.
UNDERCLOTHINGSunderclothings n. Plural of underclothing.
UNDERCLOTHING n. clothes worn under others, esp. those next to the skin.
UNHOLSTERINGunholstering v. Present participle of unholster.
UNHOLSTER v. to remove from a holster.
UNPOLISHINGunpolishing v. Present participle of unpolish.
UNPOLISH v. to remove polish from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 388 words
  • Scrabble in French: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 15 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 9 words

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