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There are 15 words containing G, H, I, L, 3N and T

ANNIHILATINGannihilating v. Present participle of annihilate.
ANNIHILATE v. to destroy completely.
ANTILYNCHINGantilynching adj. Opposed to the practice of lynching.
antilynching adj. (Law) Prohibiting the practice of lynching.
ANTILYNCHING adj. opposed to lynching.
DISENCHANTINGLYdisenchantingly adv. In a disenchanting manner.
DISENCHANTING adv. DISENCHANT, to free from enchantment.
ENCHANTINGLYenchantingly adv. In an enchanting manner.
ENCHANTING adv. ENCHANT, to delight.
ENLIGHTENINGenlightening v. Present participle of enlighten.
enlightening adj. Serving to enlighten.
ENLIGHTEN v. to impart knowledge or information to.
ENLIGHTENINGLYenlighteningly adv. In an enlightening way.
ENLIGHTENMENTenlightenment n. An act of enlightening, or the state of being enlightened or instructed.
enlightenment n. A concept in spirituality, philosophy and psychology related to achieving clarity of perception, reason and knowledge.
Enlightenment prop.n. A 17th- and 18th-century philosophical movement in European history; the Age of Enlightenment or Age…
ENLIGHTENMENTSenlightenments n. Plural of enlightenment.
ENLIGHTENMENT n. the act or means of enlightening.
LENGTHENINGlengthening n. The process of making or growing longer.
lengthening n. (Phonology) a type of sound change when a sound (especially a vowel) lengthens.
lengthening v. Present participle of lengthen.
OVERLENGTHENINGoverlengthening v. Present participle of overlengthen.
OVERLENGTHEN v. to lengthen excessively.
UNENLIGHTENEDunenlightened adj. Not enlightened; ignorant in general or of some particular fact.
UNENLIGHTENED adj. not enlightened.
UNENLIGHTENINGunenlightening adj. Not enlightening.
UNENLIGHTENING adj. not enlightening.
UNKNIGHTLINESSunknightliness n. The quality of being unknightly.
UNKNIGHTLINESS n. the state of being unknightly.
UNTHINKINGLYunthinkingly adv. In an unthinking manner.
UNTHINKING adv. UNTHINK, to dismiss from the mind.
UNTHREATENINGLYunthreateningly adv. In an unthreatening way.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 373 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 10 words

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