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There are 19 words containing G, 2H, N, 2P, R and S

NEPHOGRAPHSnephographs n. Plural of nephograph.
NEPHOGRAPH n. an instrument for photographing clouds.
PHONOGRAPHSphonographs n. Plural of phonograph.
PHONOGRAPH n. a character or symbol used to represent a sound, esp. one used in phonography; also, gramophone.
HORSEWHIPPINGhorsewhipping v. Present participle of horsewhip.
horsewhipping n. A beating with a horsewhip.
HORSEWHIP v. to beat with a horsewhip.
HYPOPHARYNGEShypopharynges n. Plural of hypopharynx.
HYPOPHARYNX n. an appendage or thickened fold on the floor of the mouth of many insects that resembles a tongue.
PHONOGRAPHERSphonographers n. Plural of phonographer.
PHONOGRAPHER n. a specialist in phonography.
PHONOGRAPHIESphonographies n. Plural of phonography.
PHONOGRAPHY n. a system of spelling or shorthand based on speech sounds.
PHONOGRAPHISTphonographist n. A phonographer.
PHONOGRAPHIST n. an exponent of phonography.
PHOSPHORATINGphosphorating v. Present participle of phosphorate.
PHOSPHORATE v. to combine or impregnate with phosphorus.
PHOSPHORISINGphosphorising v. Present participle of phosphorise.
PHOSPHORISE v. to combine or impregnate with phosphorus, also PHOSPHORIZE.
PHOSPHORIZINGphosphorizing v. Present participle of phosphorize.
PHOSPHORIZE v. to combine or impregnate with phosphorus, also PHOSPHORISE.
ANTHROPOPHAGUSanthropophagus n. A man-eater; a cannibal.
ANTHROPOPHAGUS n. a cannibal; a man-eater.
PHONAUTOGRAPHSphonautographs n. Plural of phonautograph.
PHONAUTOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording sound vibrations.
PHONOGRAPHISTSphonographists n. Plural of phonographist.
PHONOGRAPHIST n. an exponent of phonography.
PHOSPHORESCINGphosphorescing v. Present participle of phosphoresce.
PHOSPHORESCE v. to exhibit phosphorescence.
ANTHROPOPHAGIESanthropophagies n. Plural of anthropophagy.
ANTHROPOPHAGY n. cannibalism.
ANTHROPOPHAGOUSanthropophagous adj. Who practices anthropophagy; cannibal.
ANTHROPOPHAGOUS adj. eating humans.
ENCEPHALOGRAPHSencephalographs n. Plural of encephalograph.
ENCEPHALOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording brain images.
ORGANOPHOSPHATEorganophosphate n. (Chemistry) Any ester of phosphoric acid or its derivatives, especially one used as an insecticide or herbicide.
ORGANOPHOSPHATE n. an organophosphorus compound (as a pesticide).
PHOSPHORYLATINGphosphorylating v. Present participle of phosphorylate.
phosphorylating adj. That phosphorylates.
PHOSPHORYLATE v. to cause (an organic compound) to take up or combine with phosphoric acid or a phosphorus-containing group.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 206 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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