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There are 13 words containing G, 2H, I, M, 2O and R

CHROMATOGRAPHICchromatographic adj. (Analytical chemistry) Of or pertaining to chromatography.
CHROMATOGRAPHIC adj. relating to chromatography.
HOMALOGRAPHIChomalographic adj. (Cartography) Of a map, equal-area.
HOMALOGRAPHIC adj. of a map projection, showing area accurately and therefore distorting shape and direction, also HOMOLOGRAPHIC.
HOMESHORINGhomeshoring n. A migration of service employees from the office to the home, where such homes have proper communications equipment.
HOMESHORING n. the transfer of service industry employment from offices to home-based employees with appropriate telephone and Internet facilities, also HOMESOURCING.
HOMESHORINGSHOMESHORING n. the transfer of service industry employment from offices to home-based employees with appropriate telephone and Internet facilities, also HOMESOURCING.
HOMOGRAPHIChomographic adj. Spelled identically.
homographic adj. Employing a single and separate character to represent each sound.
homographic adj. (Geometry) Having the same invariants.
HOMOGRAPHIEShomographies n. Plural of homography.
HOMOGRAPHY n. a type of transformation that maps straight lines onto another plane.
HOMOLOGRAPHIChomolographic adj. (Cartography) Alternative spelling of homalographic.
HOMOLOGRAPHIC adj. of a map projection, showing area accurately and therefore distorting shape and direction, also HOMALOGRAPHIC.
MICROPHOTOGRAPHmicrophotograph n. A photograph so reduced in size that it must be viewed through a lens or a microscope.
microphotograph n. A photograph taken through a microscope, an enlarged picture of a very small item or area; a photomicrograph.
microphotograph v. To create such a photograph.
MORPHOGRAPHIESmorphographies n. Plural of morphography.
MORPHOGRAPHY n. a morphological description or study.
ORTHOGNATHISMorthognathism n. (Anatomy) The quality of being orthognathous.
ORTHOGNATHISM n. the state of having straight jaws.
ORTHOGNATHISMSORTHOGNATHISM n. the state of having straight jaws.
PHOTOMICROGRAPHphotomicrograph n. (Photography) A photograph taken using a microscope.
photomicrograph v. (Transitive) To photograph through a microscope.
PHOTOMICROGRAPH n. a photograph of a microscope image.
POSTHEMORRHAGICposthemorrhagic adj. Following hemorrhage.
POSTHEMORRHAGIC adj. taking place after a hemorrhage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 409 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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