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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing G, H, L, N, 2O, P and S

ANTHROPOLOGIESanthropologies n. Plural of anthropology.
ANTHROPOLOGY n. the science of human beings.
ANTHROPOLOGISTanthropologist n. An expert in anthropology.
ANTHROPOLOGIST n. one who studies anthropology.
COLONOGRAPHIEScolonographies n. Plural of colonography.
GERONTOPHILIASGERONTOPHILIA n. sexual attraction towards the elderly.
LARYNGOPHONIESLARYNGOPHONY n. the sound of the voice as heard through the stethoscope applied over the larynx.
PANTHEOLOGISTSpantheologists n. Plural of pantheologist.
PANTHEOLOGIST n. a specialist in pantheology.
PHARYNGOLOGIESPHARYNGOLOGY n. the study of the throat.
PHARYNGOLOGISTpharyngologist n. A student of pharyngology; one versed in the science of pharyngology.
PHARYNGOLOGIST n. a specialist in pharyngology, the study of the throat.
PHILOSOPHISINGphilosophising v. Present participle of philosophise.
philosophising n. Alternative form of philosophizing.
PHILOSOPHISING n. the act of engaging in philosophy.
PHILOSOPHIZINGphilosophizing v. Present participle of philosophize.
philosophizing n. Philosophical thought or discussion.
PHILOSOPHIZING n. the act of engaging in philosophy.
PHLEBOTOMISINGphlebotomising v. Present participle of phlebotomise.
PHLEBOTOMISE v. to perform phlebotomy on, also PHLEBOTOMIZE.
PHRENOLOGISINGPHRENOLOGISE v. to examine phrenologically, also PHRENOLOGIZE.
PHYSIOGNOMICALphysiognomical adj. Of or pertaining to physiognomy.
PHYSIOGNOMICAL adj. relating to physiognomy, also PHYSIOGNOMIC.
PLECTOGNATHOUSplectognathous adj. Alternative form of plectognathic.
PLECTOGNATHOUS adj. belonging to an order of bony fishes including filefishes, also PLECTOGNATHIC.
PSYCHOLOGISINGpsychologising v. Present participle of psychologise.
PSYCHOLOGISE v. to speculate in psychological terms or on psychological motivations, also PSYCHOLOGIZE.
PSYCHOLOGIZINGpsychologizing v. Present participle of psychologize.
psychologizing n. Psychological analysis or interpretation.
PSYCHOLOGIZE v. to speculate in psychological terms or on psychological motivations, also PSYCHOLOGISE.
SPHAGNOLOGISTSsphagnologists n. Plural of sphagnologist.
SPHAGNOLOGIST n. a student of sphagnology, the study of peat moss.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 90 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 5 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 10 words

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