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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing G, 2H, I, N, O, R and T

ANTHROPOPHAGIanthropophagi n. Plural of anthropophagus.
ANTHROPOPHAGUS n. a cannibal; a man-eater.
CROSSHATCHINGcrosshatching v. Present participle of crosshatch.
crosshatching n. (Art) A method of showing shading by means of multiple small lines that intersect.
crosshatching n. A method of indicating terrain on a map by using the same technique.
ETHNOGRAPHICAETHNOGRAPHICA n. a collection of ethnographic objects.
ETHNOGRAPHIESethnographies n. Plural of ethnography.
ETHNOGRAPHY n. the study and systematic recording of human cultures.
HECTOGRAPHINGhectographing v. Present participle of hectograph.
HECTOGRAPH v. to copy by hectograph.
HYPNOBIRTHINGhypnobirthing n. The use of hypnotherapy to ease the process of childbirth.
HYPNOBIRTHING n. the use of hypnotic technique during labour by an expectant mother to reduce the pain and emotional stress of delivery.
LITHOGRAPHINGlithographing v. Present participle of lithograph.
LITHOGRAPH v. to produce by lithography.
ORTHOGNATHIESORTHOGNATHY n. the state of having normally aligned jaws.
ORTHOGNATHISMorthognathism n. (Anatomy) The quality of being orthognathous.
ORTHOGNATHISM n. the state of having straight jaws.
PHONOGRAPHISTphonographist n. A phonographer.
PHONOGRAPHIST n. an exponent of phonography.
PHOSPHORATINGphosphorating v. Present participle of phosphorate.
PHOSPHORATE v. to combine or impregnate with phosphorus.
PHOTOGRAPHINGphotographing v. Present participle of photograph.
photographing n. The taking of a photograph.
PHOTOGRAPH v. to take a photograph of.
SHARPSHOOTINGsharpshooting n. Highly accurate marksmanship.
sharpshooting v. Present participle of sharpshoot.
SHARPSHOOTING n. shooting with great precision.
SHORTCHANGINGshortchanging v. Present participle of shortchange.
short-changing v. Present participle of short-change.
short␣changing v. Present participle of short change.
SHORTSHEETINGshortsheeting v. Present participle of shortsheet.
short-sheeting v. Present participle of short-sheet.
short␣sheeting v. Present participle of short sheet.
THOROUGHGOINGthoroughgoing adj. With great attention to detail; complete, thorough.
thorough-going adj. Alternative form of thoroughgoing.
THOROUGHGOING adj. marked by thoroughness or zeal.
TOOTHBRUSHINGtoothbrushing v. Present participle of toothbrush.
toothbrushing n. An act of brushing the teeth.
TOOTHBRUSHING n. the action of using a toothbrush to clean teeth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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