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There are 16 words containing G, M, 2O, 2P and S

POMPHOLYGOUSPOMPHOLYGOUS adj. of or like a pompholyx, a vesicular eruption or eczema chiefly on the palms and soles.
PRECOMPOSINGprecomposing v. Present participle of precompose.
PRECOMPOSE v. to compose beforehand.
SPHYGMOPHONEsphygmophone n. (Physiology) An electrical instrument for determining by ear the rhythm of the pulse of a person at a distance.
SPHYGMOPHONE n. an instrument for hearing the pulse.
SPHYGMOSCOPEsphygmoscope n. A sphygmograph.
SPHYGMOSCOPE n. an instrument for making arterial pulsations visible.
APOGEOTROPISMapogeotropism n. (Botany) An apogeotropic tendency.
APOGEOTROPISM n. bending up or away from the ground.
PLAGIOTROPISMplagiotropism n. (Biology) The growth of a plant at an orientation to the angle of a stimulus.
PLAGIOTROPISM n. the tendency to grow at an oblique or horizontal angle.
SPHYGMOPHONESsphygmophones n. Plural of sphygmophone.
SPHYGMOPHONE n. an instrument for hearing the pulse.
SPHYGMOSCOPESsphygmoscopes n. Plural of sphygmoscope.
SPHYGMOSCOPE n. an instrument for making arterial pulsations visible.
APOGEOTROPISMSAPOGEOTROPISM n. bending up or away from the ground.
MEGASPOROPHYLLmegasporophyll n. A sporophyll that bears megasporangia.
MEGASPOROPHYLL n. a specialised leaf bearing or subtending one or more megasporangia.
MORPHOGRAPHERSmorphographers n. Plural of morphographer.
MORPHOGRAPHER n. an artist who portrays forms.
MORPHOGRAPHIESmorphographies n. Plural of morphography.
MORPHOGRAPHY n. a morphological description or study.
PHOTOCOMPOSINGphotocomposing v. Present participle of photocompose.
PHOTOCOMPOSE v. to set (as reading matter) by photocomposition.
PLAGIOTROPISMSPLAGIOTROPISM n. the tendency to grow at an oblique or horizontal angle.
MEGASPOROPHYLLSmegasporophylls n. Plural of megasporophyll.
MEGASPOROPHYLL n. a specialised leaf bearing or subtending one or more megasporangia.
SEMIPORNOGRAPHYsemipornography n. Material that is partly or somewhat pornographic.
SEMIPORNOGRAPHY n. material approaching the pornographic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 343 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 63 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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