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There are 18 words containing G, 2M, 2O and 2T

MAGNETOMOTIVEmagnetomotive adj. (Physics) capable of producing magnetic flux.
MAGNETOMOTIVE adj. producing a magnetic flux.
THIGMOTROPISMthigmotropism n. (Biology) Growth or motion in response to touch.
THIGMOTROPISM n. the response of an organism to direct contact with a surface, e.g. a creeping plant that twines itself around a support.
THREMMATOLOGYthremmatology n. The field of breeding or propagating plants and animals.
THREMMATOLOGY n. the science of breeding domestic animals and plants.
GEOTHERMOMETERgeothermometer n. (Geology) A proxy that allows for geothermometry, the determination of the temperature of a geological…
geothermometer n. (Obsolete) A thermometer designed for measuring extremely high temperatures below ground level.
GEOTHERMOMETER n. instrument for measuring subterranean temperatures.
GRAMMATOLOGISTgrammatologist n. One who studies grammatology.
GRAMMATOLOGIST n. a specialist in grammatology.
IMMUNOBLOTTINGimmunoblotting n. The use of immunoblots to analyse proteins.
IMMUNOBLOTTING n. the act of making immunoblots.
OVERCOMMITTINGovercommitting v. Present participle of overcommit.
OVERCOMMIT v. to commit excessively.
PHOTOGRAMMETRYphotogrammetry n. The making of precise measurements from photographs.
photogrammetry n. The making of maps from photographs, especially from aerial surveying.
PHOTOGRAMMETRY n. the science of making reliable measurements by the use of photographs and esp. aerial photographs (as in surveying).
SYMPTOMATOLOGYsymptomatology n. (Uncountable) The science that studies the symptoms of diseases.
symptomatology n. (Countable) The aggregate of symptoms of a particular disease.
SYMPTOMATOLOGY n. the study of symptoms of illness.
THIGMOTROPISMSthigmotropisms n. Plural of thigmotropism.
THIGMOTROPISM n. the response of an organism to direct contact with a surface, e.g. a creeping plant that twines itself around a support.
GEOTHERMOMETERSgeothermometers n. Plural of geothermometer.
GEOTHERMOMETER n. instrument for measuring subterranean temperatures.
GRAMMATOLOGISTSgrammatologists n. Plural of grammatologist.
GRAMMATOLOGIST n. a specialist in grammatology.
IMMUNOBLOTTINGSimmunoblottings n. Plural of immunoblotting.
IMMUNOBLOTTING n. the act of making immunoblots.
MICROGAMETOCYTEmicrogametocyte n. A gametocyte that produces microgametes.
MICROGAMETOCYTE n. a gametocyte producing microgametes.
NUMISMATOLOGISTnumismatologist n. One versed in numismatology.
NUMISMATOLOGIST n. a specialist in numismatology.
PHOTOGRAMMETRICphotogrammetric adj. Of or pertaining to photogrammetry.
PHOTOGRAMMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by photogrammetry.
SYMPTOMATOLOGICsymptomatologic adj. Of or pertaining to symptomatology.
SYMPTOMATOLOGIC adj. relating to symptomatology.
THREMMATOLOGIESTHREMMATOLOGY n. the science of breeding domestic animals and plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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